I have been enthusiastic about celebrating holidays ever since I was a child. I really enjoyed all the routines and traditions that go along with them. Both of my children take after me in this respect and they both love...
My husband and I are both artists and we really enjoy being creative with our daughter. Recently, we’ve had fun with some easy fall art projects. In my most recent post, I highlighted ways to approach making art with young...
I am broke.  Well, not totally, but broke enough not to be able to afford to buy 20 family members gifts for Christmas. This year I am taking my cue from a good friend who MADE ALL HER CHRISTMAS...
The other day I was in the store browsing through the Christmas decorations when I saw this really cute milk bottle decorated for Santa’s milk. It was so cute but I thought I certainly have enough glass bottles at...
We are all going to hear it multiple times this summer, in every long, drawn-out tone imaginable: “Mooooooooom... I’m bored." No matter what we do to prepare, the reality is that people like us have enough lists in their lives....

The Christmas Eve Box

I love traditions, especially around the holidays.  Last year we started doing advent bags.  In each bag there contains a scripture and a small activity to do for the day.  We had such a good time doing them last...
In my last post, I mentioned that when I’m getting ready for an outing with my son, I pack something that I call a ‘God Help Me Bag’ (GHMB for the purposes of this post). A GHMB is a...
Happy November! Oh my how time flies. :) Lovely to be writing to you all again. Did anyone have a chance to try out the flash technique I talk about last month? How did it go? :) First off,  a BIG cozy congratulations...
Kombucha is the nectar of the gods, or, at the very least, the gods' favorite fermented tea flavored with fruit. It's delicious. Can you believe me? You can. I might be a weird mix of contradictions. Freshly manicured nails bring me joy,...
Every year for Thanksgiving, my husband and I visit his family in Massachusetts for a couple of days. It’s about a four-hour drive. Never one to sit idle on one family trip, I was looking for something to occupy...
This year my 4 year old, Aden, finally gets it. Gets what's supposed to happen at Halloween that is. And the thing that is exciting him the most is not the gobs of candy (that will haunt Mommy until...
Every January, I look forward to watching the Rose Parade. I love flowers and I miss them over the winter. Obviously, I should grow some houseplants. Then I can have beautiful plants and flowers all year long. Houseplants can really...
As moms, we all need a helping hand. Everything I need to do as an adult: work, parent, exercise, shop- it’s all overwhelming. When I think about how much the world has changed for kids over the past few...
Every Valentine's Day approximately 1 billion greeting cards are exchanged. It is the second largest card-sending holiday of the year, (Christmas is the largest with an estimated 2.6 billion cards sent)! That's a lot of loving sentiment, but also...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...