Sandra O'Flaherty

Sandra O'Flaherty
I am stay at home mom to two wonderful kids. I grew up in Vermont, but it wasn't until I left this great state for a few years that I truly appreciated what a wonderful place it is. My husband is also a Vermonter, so we are happy to be able to raise our kids here surrounded by a large extended family. In fact, we like it so much that we bought the house next door to his parents, and my mom lives in an apartment on our property. We enjoy playing outdoors and poking around our little "gentleman's farm" that we started in 2010. We have chickens, goats, a work-in-progress vegetable garden, fruit trees, and we tap our own maple trees for syrup. I have a BA in environmental studies and an MA in urban planning. I try to keep a toe in the professional world that I left when my oldest was born by serving on our local Planning Commission. You can learn more about me and my passion for this planet we call home on my blog: Mama of Ma'at

Letting go of Baby

Oh 2015. I have high hopes that this will be the year that we become a diaper-free household. My two-year-old (who turns three in April) is less convinced. She has been unimpressed with big girl...

The day my toddler ate a stick of butter

Well, it wasn't a whole stick.... We had just come inside from playing in the snow. Everyone was happy and content. I made some warm milk that the kids happily sipped through straws while sitting...

Brotherhood of the Ripped Pants

I don't generally enjoy lists about what it is like to raise boys because they typically reduce boys to penis grabbing, death defying, fart obsessed slobs. That's a really low bar to set. Boys are so...
sign, changed priorities sign

Putting the “Me” Back in “Mommy”

Motherhood can be all-consuming. For many of us it starts with pregnancy when the growth of your little one dictates what foods you should or shouldn't eat, how often you pee, and how much you...

The Bad Day

It was a bad day.... It started waking up in my daughter's twin bed for the umpteenth time this week because she woke up multiple times in the night and it was easier to stay...

Life’s Longing for Itself

I have had an earworm for a few days now. It's Kahlil Gibran's poem "On Children" or rather the Sweet Honey in the Rock song version. Go on and listen for a bit. It's really good....
halloween, jack o lantern, pumpkin, carved pumpkin,

4 Halloween Songs for Kids

I love marking the seasons with my kids and holidays are a great way to do it. I find that holidays are more fun with kids overall, so I'm already excited about Halloween even though...
Net feeder

5 Plastic Kid Items I’m Happy to Ditch

Offering food to your baby (other than breast milk straight from the source) means the introduction of lots of food and drink related plastic baby/kid accessories: sippy cups, straw cups, net feeders, plastic bowls...

Is your Child on Track? The Parent Toolkit – A Review

I recently got a sneak peak of the Parent Toolkit app for Apple and Android. The purpose of the app is to "help you navigate your child’s growth and development from Pre-K through 12th grade...

10 Signs you are a Parent

1. Toddler speak is part of your daily vocabulary. Granola bars are "bar bars," bananas are "nanas," you get the idea. 2. You hear music on the radio and start singing the Sesame Street spoof version...

The Birds and the Bees

My four year old son was in the tub the other night and suddenly fired up the questions. "How does the baby come out of the mommy's tummy?" Well, I answered while doing my best...

Picking the Perfect Preschool

Before I settled on a preschool for my son last fall I was kind of anxious about it. Quite frankly, it was ridiculous. It's only preschool, not college! All I was really looking for...

LaMonde Photography: A Review and Giveaway {Sponsored}

My family recently had a full portrait session with Kirstin LaMonde, owner of LaMonde Photography, and the results she produced were, in a word: magical. Kirstin's family portrait session is a combination of formal portraits...
stuffed animal, dog toy, dog stuffed animal, child's plaything, black labrador toy

The Disappearance of Baby Pepper

Several nights ago my husband and I were putting the kids to bed. All of a sudden Lil Sis said, "I want my Baby Pepper!" Baby Pepper is her lovey-- little black stuffed dog. "Have...