I love marking the seasons with my kids and holidays are a great way to do it.
I find that holidays are more fun with kids overall, so I’m already excited about Halloween even though it’s weeks away. My family has plans to go to an annual pumpkin carving party and to “Trunk or Treat” at the school since we live in a rural community where traditional trick or treating is impractical. My son’s costume is even 90% done!? (not typical for me).
My kids are now 4 and 2 so we are really able to appreciate holiday fun. They have been requesting to read Halloween books and watch Halloween shows, so we needed some good Halloween songs too. I didn’t know any myself so did some searching on YouTube. There are a lot of lame/inappropriate ones, so I have picked which four I thought were best to share with you and your little ones.
1. Five Little Pumpkins
After watching several versions of this song on YouTube I picked this one as my favorite. The two little girls sing it clearly and do all the hand motions. They are sitting next to lit jack-o-lanterns (very festive) and their excitement is genuine, unlike the syrupy versions of adults doing the song with the hand motions. My kids love watching other kids do things, so this is a perfect version.
2. The Skeleton Dance
This version of the Skeleton Dance is done by Super Simple Songs, my kids love their version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star so they are a trusted source. The song is animated with dancing skeletons and as they sing “the foot bone’s connected to the leg bone” each bone lights up. It’s another song that can get your kid moving and motioning while they sing. As cheesy as they might be, I think those types of songs are the most fun for kids.
3. Halloween Cat
I had never heard of this one, but it’s a cute, short little rhyme with a cute video. It’s got a fun slapstick ending [SPOILER ALERT] when the cat slips off the rock.
4. The Monster Mash
How could I not include this classic? It’s animated with cute and friendly looking Halloween characters. Very benign, and very festive.
Do you have any Halloween songs for kids that you would add to the list?
“Spiderwebs in My Hair” is a fun family-friendly retro rock song on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/cfford/spiderwebs-in-my-hair