My wife and I, with our then 2-year-old, moved to Vermont in 2021 from rural Missouri.  While we had great friends and community in Missouri, we did not feel safe in the increasingly red state. Our hope was to move...
If you asked someone to describe boudoir photography, they would likely mention lingerie and sexy poses. And that's not wrong. Of course lingerie can play a fun role, and sure, posing just right to create gorgeous angles and to catch...
I love making a difference in the community, and found an amazing way to use my artistic talents to make a real impact for refugees. This year I participated in Central Vermont Refugee Action Network’s (CVRAN) March Arts Marathon and Chittenden Asylum Seekers Assistance Network’s (CASAN) Arts for Asylum Seekers fundraisers to support refugees and asylum seekers settling in Vermont.
I am a born and raised Vermonter.  I was born in Burlington, grew up in Colchester, went to school in South Burlington, graduated from UVM, and found my way through a Master’s degree program at Champlain College. I’ve worked, lived,...
I hate fall. There, I said it. I feel like my "basic" status is about to be revoked. But, it’s true. I just can’t even pretend anymore. So, I won’t. Come to my house and you won’t find any, “It’s...
As warm weather and summer break take hold, many of us are eager to venture out with our family and explore the beautiful scenery and exciting summertime events. As someone who loves discovering unique places and events and has...
Many of my best childhood summer memories were created during the late 80s and the 90s. It was an amazing time to be a kid. There were no smartphones, no tablets, and no Internet. Just a bunch of filthy...
When we moved to Milton, everyone seemed to have an opinion about the town. Many implied that the town was not pretty, safe, or enjoyable. Now, five years later, I can confidently say to those people… you were wrong!...
After suffering through six long months of winter, Vermonters celebrate the arrival of spring with abandon. Kids of all ages shed long pants, shirts, and coats in favor of shorts and t-shirts as soon as the sun cuts through...
We all know how important it is to reduce, reuse, and recycle to keep our earth healthy. Vermont offers another opportunity for you to get together with your community and clean up! Green Up Day is an opportunity for...
I recently realized that I didn’t know how to recycle. I mean, you know, I recycle.  But when I started teaching my kids about recycling in Vermont, I realized there was so much I still didn’t know. I bet...
It's that time of year again... as the weather starts to warm a bit, the flowing sap reminds us that spring is not far off! Sugaring season is a great time to check out some of our local Vermont...
Freezing temperatures, snow storms, and the lack of sunlight make surviving and thriving in the coldest winter in Vermont harsh and borderline unbearable to an indoor girl like me. If you didn’t already pick up on this, I’m not a...
Vermont Mom was delighted to host our first in-person event in over two years last weekend in Essex. Our heartwarming and inspiring Photos with Santa event would not have been possible without the generous help of our sponsor, Burlington...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...