I have Googled variations of “kid-friendly activities near me” countless times and always end up short-handed. The results are invariably the same: too expensive or too old for my preschool-age kid. I then make my way over to Pinterest...
Girl, you are crazy! That is the reaction I get when a friend or family member learns about my new hobby. “You seriously go into freezing water... in the middle of winter in Vermont... for fun?” I hate being cold, so...
In July, my family moved from Vermont to South Carolina. You can read about our journey. To summarize: my family was priced out of Vermont due to the rising cost of rent and lack of appropriate housing options. I...
When I think about why this mom loves Vermont, many of the usual things come to mind: fresh air, unspoiled spaces, beautiful mountains and valleys, room to roam, and the ability to play outside all year long. Vermonters love...
Maple syrup and Vermont go together like a match made in heaven. My family loves maple syrup. We visit at least one sugarhouse every spring. It's a Vermont tradition! However, you don't need to stop at syrup. There are plenty...
Vermont Mom's Compilation of Vermont's Best Party Places for Kids is just what families need to plan the best celebrations for their little ones. Whether you're celebrating a birthday or any other momentous occasion, we have all the ideas...
The Vermont Guide to Preschools in Burlington and Beyond is just what Vermont families need to make the tough choice of where to send their little ones when the time is right. Are you on the hunt for a good...

My Vermont Valentine

Valentine's Day. A lot of us have conflicted feelings about this day, right? Does any other day have the power to make so many people grit their teeth at once? My lifelong relationship with Valentine's Day was decided when I was...
The only way to enjoy winter in Vermont is to make sure you have cold-weather gear. You don’t need a lot, but there are some pieces of essential winter gear that make the difference between utter misery and comfort. Maybe...
Imagining your child, who surely was born just yesterday, leaving your home and heading to preschool is no easy task. First, there’s choosing the right preschool. Then, there’s the letting go. I wasn’t sure where to begin. As a former school...
I have never been great at timing things, but this year I scored big. Know what goes great with masks? Dental work. That's how I found myself getting Invisalign from Dr. Kameron Schaberg at Advanced Dentistry of Vermont. My dental...
In January 2020, we didn't anticipate that COVID-19 would be impacting us for years. Yet here we are, starting 2022 with several COVID vaccines, some potential treatments for COVID infection, and knowledge about how to avoid COVID infection. It's...
Vermont Mom has finished our 2021 series of favorite Vermont Made gifts with what matters most - time spent together exploring our Brave Little State! Coming up with the categories was tough, to say the least. So many to choose...
Gift-giving can be tough and overwhelming but Vermont Mom's series of posts about our favorite Vermont Made gifts have you covered! We've picked Vermont businesses that never disappoint. Gift cards can be a wonderful option, they put the selection in...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...