Kayla Tornello

Kayla Tornello
Kayla grew up in southeastern Ohio and met her Vermonter husband while in college. They now live in Essex Junction with their two children. Kayla is a stay-at-home mom to her son (born 2010) and her daughter (born 2011). She is also a church pianist/organist. Her hobbies include singing, reading, acting, and coming up with tasty ways to feed her family vegetables. She enjoys spending as much time outdoors as possible.
Three Ways to Hem Pants Without Sewing

Three Ways to Hem Pants Without Sewing

Are your pants too long? Do you lack sewing skills? It's okay! You can hem your pants without a sewing machine. In fact, I'm going to tell you three ways to hem pants without sewing!...

Eww, Your Kid Wants A Pet Snake?!? Yuck! What’s A Dog Mom To Do?

When they were 12, my oldest child asked for a pet snake. I knew nothing about owning snakes. I hoped that my child might lose interest in snakes and we could stick with our easy-to-manage,...

5 Tips to Prepare a Nervous Child for Summer Camp

Summer camp is awesome, but it can also be scary. My daughter was both excited and terrified for her first week at sleepaway camp. Her first camp experience happened to occur in the period right...

Time-Saving Tricks to Make the Most of Holiday Cookie Swaps

While I love the holiday season, December is always the busiest month of the year. I really enjoy going to cookie swaps, but they require time and preparation, often when I don't have much...

3 Steps for a Festive and Manageable Thanksgiving Meal for Small Families

Thanksgiving dinner is a wonderful time for families to get together, but it's also a ton of work! Growing up, my grandmother was in charge of cooking a grand Thanksgiving feast for our entire extended...

Books to Celebrate Pride Month

Pride Month may be over, but we love to celebrate Pride all year long! Summer is a perfect time to stock up on books to read. Regardless of your age or reading ability, we...

Lessons Learned from Middle School Theater

I recently acted as the musical director for a middle school theater production. While I have a lot of theater experience, there were still plenty of lessons for me to learn. I enjoyed spending time...
trash can in grass

Green Up Day! Get the Whole Family Involved in Greening Up Vermont

We all know how important it is to reduce, reuse, and recycle to keep our earth healthy. Vermont offers another opportunity for you to get together with your community and clean up! Green Up...
child wearing a helmet

Concussions in Kids- Signs and Symptoms

Everyone has heard of concussions. Concussions have gotten a lot of attention lately in professional sports, especially the NFL. They can be quite dangerous if players and coaches ignore the symptoms. However, concussions don't just...
messy bedroom with piles of clothing all over

7 Tips to Clean Your Child’s Messy Room without Losing Your Mind

I dreaded the end of summer this year. Once summer ended, I had to deal with my daughter’s messy room. My son’s room wasn’t in much better shape. How on earth could such a small...

2022 Vermont Holiday Activities for the Whole Family

Welcome to the sometimes cold but always delightful Vermont holiday season! Whether you stay close to home or decide to take a tour of the state, Vermont has so many terrific holiday activities in December,...

The Best Family Friendly Campgrounds in Vermont

For our adventurous, outdoor-loving families who camp with kids, we've put together a list of family-friendly campgrounds in Vermont. Get your tents and s'mores supplies ready, it's time to go camping! Check out these thirteen family-friendly...

Tips and Tricks to Make Sleepaway Camp the Most Fun

My daughter went to sleepaway camp for the first time this summer. I had been to sleepaway camp myself as a kid, but the nineties were a long time ago! While some things have stayed...

Childhood Home- When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

My mom still lives in my childhood home. She won't be there for long, though. By next year, she will be moving into a new place, in a new town, with my brother and sister-in-law....