The leaves are falling and the air as crisp. Yep! It's time to bake pumpkin stuff! Here is my favorite fall muffin recipe. It's super easy and delicious. In fact, make two batches. Trust me.
Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Muffins
1 1/4...
Hi, my name is Meredith and I’m food sensitive. It means just what it sounds like, that I have multiple food sensitivities. Major ones.
My food sensitivities are not an eating disorder, although that has been suggested by people...
Try this. It's good. It's beef. It's easy. I have a working fear of cooking red meat and have been known to spend 50% of my grocery time meticulously reading labels at the meat counter. I just feel like...
Is there really anything better than sitting on the back deck, watching the kids quietly play, while sipping an adult beverage made with gin, with your significant other or group of friends? Add in the warm temperature and sun...
You already know that we here at BVTMB love Boloco on Church Street. We love them because they serve globally inspired burritos. That means you can get a Thai, or Tikka Masala, or Cajun, or Teriyaki burrito…what!!! We love...
1. Sign up to bake a pie for a party.
2. Immediately realize that you have never made a pie before, unless you count the no-bake kind from a box.
3. Mildly freak out.
4. Find every cookbook you own and frantically...
Today was a rough day. I was wrapped up in my own big emotions and stuck in a rut. While running errands, I stopped at one of our local stores to pick something up for ye ole crotch goblins....
This is a thing, Baby Led Weaning (BLW) doesn't mean what you might think. Brighter and more European minds have thought this one up, and I won't try to regurgitate all the particulars.
For the purpose of this particular post,...
1} Stop using the phrase “picky eater.”
Guilty as charged. But when I saw how the phrase was starting to effect not only my own pre-schooler's perception of food, but my own ideas about what she should be eating, I stopped...
One, two, over easy, sunny side up? This is a question I ask my family most mornings. Why? Because we have a coop full of feathery friends who produce the most amazing eggs every day. Do you want to...
Now that school has started again, your calendar is probably full of invitations to potlucks, cookouts, and dinner parties. Rather than grabbing a dozen of those fluorescent sprinkle cookies at the grocery store, impress all your friends with one...
Chocolate is my kryptonite. If you’re unfamiliar with that term it is defined as an extraordinary exploitable weakness. That might sound extreme, but if you know me, you know it’s true. I ingest some form of chocolate every day....
When I was pregnant with our son, I was sick from week six until delivery, nauseous all the time and losing my lunch on the daily. I remember my doctor saying, “Oh, you’ll feel better at 12 weeks,” then,...
I know I’m not alone when I say that we are busy. My husband and I both work full time, and by the time we pick up our son, get home, take care of our dogs, and do the...