Erica Green
The Day I Said Those Awful Words to My Oldest Son
As a parent, there are many words that we speak to our children on a daily basis. Positive and negative words. There are highs and lows involved in being a parent, much more so...
Traditions and Holidays: Raising My Children in an Interfaith Family
Growing up Jewish and living on Long Island, I never put any thought about what it would be like to raise children as part of an interfaith couple.
The messages I was sent as...
We Need to Teach Both Our Sons and Daughters About Harassment
With all of the information regarding sexual harassment in the news these days, it's a wonder that we focus so much time on teaching our children the importance of respect when it comes to...
My Morning Routine: Getting My Child Out of Bed in Five Stages
Any parent or caregiver knows that it can be nearly impossible to get a child out of bed on a school day morning. I always marvel at how on the weekends, my oldest son...
Mom Diaries: I Think My Appliances Are Mocking Me
There are so many appliances in my house. Some are ones I use every day, like the typical: refrigerator, stove, and washing machine (yes with a potty training toddler, there's lots of laundry to...
Where to Find Gently Used Children’s Items at Amazing Prices
When you are a parent or caregiver of any age child, finding the clothes to outfit your children and the toys or sports equipment to keep them happy can cost a lot of money....
Helping Children Through the Loss of Loved Community Members
Just recently, my town experienced the loss of one of our beloved community members. He was a bus driver at our school, but for many children, he wasn't just a bus driver.
For many years, he...
One Mom’s Experience – Postpartum Anxiety is a Very Real Condition
Postpartum anxiety was not a term that entered my universe during my first pregnancy. Of course, I had heard about Postpartum Depression - a condition that was, and still is (deservedly so) gaining a...
Child-Friendly Races for the 2017 Warm Weather Season
The warmer weather is upon us and there are many child-friendly races on the schedule for this year.
Many children are natural runners and do not need much encouragement to sign up for a race....
Parenting Activities I Begrudgingly (I Mean Lovingly) Do For My Children
As parents and caregivers, there are so many parenting activities that we lovingly do for our children. We sing songs, play games, crawl in the dirt, and even play beauty salon.
But sometimes, there are...
Our Current Favorite Music – A Review (With Help from My Five Year-Old)
There is a lot of great children's music out there these days. So much that children’s music has its own category at the Grammys!
My house is rocking 24/7. We may not know every hit...
Chaperone 101: the Etiquette of Going on a Field Trip
Thinking about being a chaperone on your child's field trip? Have you already volunteered to go to an apple orchard or the Flynn Theatre with up to 20 other children?
Whether you are a...
Amazing Picture Books that Teach Kids About Emotions
There are so many books out there for younger children that help to teach about emotions. Happy, angry, sad, and mad... we can begin to teach emotions to children as young as a few...
Moving On: An Open Letter to Myself for When I Feel Like A Failure
From the exciting moments of being so proud that your heart might explode to feeling like a failure, being a mom can go from the highest highs to the lowest lows on any given...