Free Holiday Gift Ideas
It’s November!
I don’t know about you, but November is the month I start to think about holiday gift shopping. I prefer to get all of my holiday shopping completed in November so that I...
My Experiment with Make Ahead Meals
My current work schedule is a four day work week.
This means my work days are a little longer, but in exchange I get Fridays off to spend with my children plus an extended...
DIY Toy Trash Bags
My son is fascinated, dare I say obsessed, with trucks. It’s been this way as long as I can remember. Fire trucks, dump trucks, and bucket loaders all elicit an excited squeal from the...
5 Ways to Celebrate Blueberry Season
I’m not ready to let go of summer just yet. I’m still basking in the warm temperatures, loose schedules, and dinners on the deck. Also, my family is still plugging away at our summer...
Fun with Marshmallows: 3 Easy and Entertaining Activities for Kids
Lately, marshmallows are all the rage at our house.
Forget candy and cookies; my kids want marshmallows! I guess, like ice cream, marshmallows are the quintessential summer treat. I have fond memories enjoying marshmallows during...
Simple Summertime Dessert Ideas
Ice cream has suddenly become a major staple of my summer diet.
It started with local creemees in early summer, then it turned to hard ice cream during our vacation in Maine. While I’m embracing...
Jumping in With Both Feet and Kissing My Comfort Zone Goodbye
This year I made a New Year’s Resolution to step outside of my comfort zone more often. I’m a creature of habit, so I like routines, structure, and predictability. Typically this way of operating...
Evolution of a Vacation
Every summer we pack up and go to Maine for a week-long vacation with friends. We stay at their family camp which is set over a mile into the woods on a tranquil lake.
How to Save Money on Groceries This Summer
What is it about summertime that sends my grocery budget flying out the window?
I’ve noticed our grocery bill, and food costs in general tend to increase during the summer months. I guess it could...
How to Create the Perfect Summer Bucket List
Can you feel it? Summer is right around the corner!
There is something about summertime that fuels me with the extra motivation to get my family out and about on new adventures.
Last summer we had...
My Mother’s Day Wish List
My husband’s birthday and Mother’s Day are just one week apart. Over the past few years of celebrating both occasions in such close proximity, I’ve learned that the way in which we like to...
10 Quick and Easy Breakfast Ideas
As much and I try to plan ahead and prepare the night before, weekday mornings can still be a little more hectic than I prefer. I can lay out clothing and I can pack...
Silver Linings of the Stomach Bug
It was my first completely free weekend in a long time, and I had grand plans. I was going to go for a run on Saturday and Sunday. We were planning a family adventure...
10 Places to Donate Your Stuff
It’s almost springtime. The days feel longer, the temperatures are milder, and if you’re anything like me the urge to clean and declutter is stronger than ever. The cleaning, sorting, and purging part is...