How to Create the Perfect Summer Bucket List


beach, stones, heart

Can you feel it? Summer is right around the corner!

There is something about summertime that fuels me with the extra motivation to get my family out and about on new adventures.

Last summer we had grand plans for new and different outings although many of them failed to come to fruition. It could have been due in part to our busy schedules or even our sheer laziness on a Saturday morning, but I think our lack of writing down our plans and goals for the summer is really what contributed most to their downfall.

So, in order to remedy that situation I decided that this year we’d make a summer bucket list. Not only will we physically write out a list, we’ll also hang it where we can see it every single day. This way it will be on our minds and at the top of our priorities.

Here are some ideas to help you create your own summer bucket list.


This is where the fun begins! Start by listing out all your ideas for summer fun and activities. Allow yourself a few days or a week to come up with additional ideas. As you think of them, jot them down. Make this a family activity have everyone in your household participate. Make sure to check out our events calendar for additional ideas!

playground, trees


After you have created a list, start researching your different options. If you are curious about a particular activity or location ask around to get feedback. Our neighborhood playgroups are a great way to solicit opinions while also connecting with local Moms.

Write it down

Make your official summer bucket list and hang it where you can see it often. Remember to be realistic with your summer planning. However, having a few extra activities as backups is important in case other plans fall through.

Have Fun!

Enjoy the special activities you have chosen for your family! Take pictures and record these special memories.

What activities and adventures are on your summer bucket list?


  1. Hi ! I am desperate to know where the picture is taken above with the son around thing ? I have told my kids about this elusive playground contraption and would love for them to experience the awesomeness ! Thanks


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