I think back to the days when my husband and I first met - when I would stare at his face admiringly for hours and hours. I recall wanting to spend every waking second with him and just cuddling...
After a short writing hiatus, yours truly is back. Did you miss me while I was gone? Speaking of "being gone" my 7 year old son burst into tears a few weeks ago right before bed saying that he was...
As a mom, I have plenty of body issues. Unfortunately, my husband often brings out my insecurities. Don't get me wrong. My husband is wonderfully supportive. He doesn't say or do anything that makes me worry about my body. Instead,...
It’s 7:50 p.m. My children are asleep, soundly. My husband pulls a wooden cigar box out of the credenza in our dining room, an excited gleam in his eye that I don’t often see. I ask for a moment...
When I got divorced, learning how to talk about it with my son did not come easily.  When I first told my 10-year-old son about becoming a contributing writer for BVTMB, he immediately told me “Mom! You should write about...
Recently, I have had some serious conversations with friends of mine whose marriages are ending.  These women have so much guilt about what their children are experiencing and what it might mean for them to grow up being children...
In every stage of our lives, we are offered advice. As teenagers, we are encouraged to choose a particular college because it was so-and-so’s alma mater. As pregnant women, we are advised what to eat, how to sleep, and...
"The BVTMB is getting real this week about a sometimes taboo, but important topic...S-E-X!  Our team is sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly...and maybe the humorous and kinky too... about sex after kids in hopes that some...

Star Gazing

My husband is a little obsessed with stars. Stars of Betelgeuse and North fame, not Bullock and Clooney. I don’t think he knows very much about them, he just likes to look at them. Last year we vacationed at...
My marriage is crumbling and it's like watching a car accident happen in slow motion. I don't know how, when, or what happened. About two months ago, things between us began feeling off. My husband and I have been...
When I was growing up, I always thought I wanted something that all my friends had, that I felt I was missing out on; or so it seemed. As an only child, one of my wishes was to have a...
“It takes a village to raise a child.” While the origin of this proverb is up for discussion, the concept itself is a familiar one for most parents. The idea of an entire community taking part in nurturing and caring...
My husband Karl tells me that the first time his parents left him for a weekend away he stayed with his grandparents. He had such a great time that, according to his mother, when she met him at the...
One of the hardest times for me as a parent was the year that my son was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. It wasn’t due to the fact of his autism diagnosis, but due to the fact that...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...