John Gallagher

John Gallagher
John is a career military NCO in his 14th year of active duty. In his off-duty time, he volunteers as a member of the Fairfax Fire Department and Fairfax Rescue Squad. John is married to a woman who is way too good for him, and together they’re doing their best to prepare their four children to conquer this crazy world.
Valentine's Day together

Our 15th Valentine’s Day Together: A Letter to My Wife

Today is our 15th Valentine's Day together, and next month will bring our 14th wedding anniversary. This has been a wild and crazy ride, to put it mildly. Shortly after we stood in front of...

A Letter to Youth Football Parents from Your Coaches

A letter to youth football parents from your coaches… Thank you for supporting your local youth football programs. For those parents that brought excited, respectful, and team-oriented kids to their practice fields and games, you’re...

A Window into this Dad’s Life on Father’s Day and Beyond

I don’t know what I’m doing. There. I said it… Are you happy, world??? This dad’s life is basically a series of hot messes that I’m desperately trying to contain with Kirkland brand disinfecting wipes....

A Dad’s View on Toxic Masculinity and Being the Best Man He Can Be

I’m a man’s man. I like good bourbon and I am passionate about college football. I drive a big pickup truck and I like large cuts of medium rare beef. I have spent nearly...
pawpaw, grandfather, grandpa, granddaughter, old man, little girl

The Toy Box: A Grandfather’s Legacy and the Weight of Memories

It’s more than just a box to me. It’s simple, not adorned in fancy jewels or designs, but made from a sturdy stock of old-growth southern pine. Several layers of stain, varnish, and paint...