John Gallagher
Our 15th Valentine’s Day Together: A Letter to My Wife
Today is our 15th Valentine's Day together, and next month will bring our 14th wedding anniversary.
This has been a wild and crazy ride, to put it mildly. Shortly after we stood in front of...
A Letter to Youth Football Parents from Your Coaches
A letter to youth football parents from your coaches…
Thank you for supporting your local youth football programs. For those parents that brought excited, respectful, and team-oriented kids to their practice fields and games, you’re...
A Window into this Dad’s Life on Father’s Day and Beyond
I don’t know what I’m doing. There. I said it… Are you happy, world???
This dad’s life is basically a series of hot messes that I’m desperately trying to contain with Kirkland brand disinfecting wipes....
A Dad’s View on Toxic Masculinity and Being the Best Man He Can Be
I’m a man’s man. I like good bourbon and I am passionate about college football. I drive a big pickup truck and I like large cuts of medium rare beef. I have spent nearly...
The Toy Box: A Grandfather’s Legacy and the Weight of Memories
It’s more than just a box to me. It’s simple, not adorned in fancy jewels or designs, but made from a sturdy stock of old-growth southern pine. Several layers of stain, varnish, and paint...