Dedicated to My Amazing Mother in Law. I love my mother-in-law and she loves me. (My husband jokes that she loves me more than him because I gave her grandchildren!) We actually enjoy spending time together and I am more...
Before I became a parent, I heard on more than one occasion how difficult it was to maintain friendships once you have children.  You would watch in TV shows or hear from others that the last thing you feel...
Having kids changes everything. It changes every aspect of your life and marriage, including sex. After my second child was born, it took me a long time to feel ready to be intimate again. I hate that there is...
Honestly, I didn’t really think through the process of my teen son learning to drive and getting his license. Specifically, I completely ignored the fact that someone would have to give him driving lessons, and the reality that someone...
When I first started dating my husband I didn't even really know what the term blood sugar meant. I certainly didn't know what was considered a "normal" blood sugar range (which is around 80-120). And I had no idea...
When Meghan Markle bravely declared on international news that she was, “Not okay,” after the birth of her first child, I found myself nodding along to the clip, recalling those first few weeks and months as a new mom,...
When I became a stepmother, I had been warned that parenting was the hardest job I would ever have, but also the most rewarding. That didn't even begin to cover my experience being a stepparent. For me, the absolute...
A popular saying goes that when couples marry, women think they will change their husbands and men think their wives will never change. Yeah… good luck with that, people. I heard that statement years ago, and it stuck in...

The Proposal

Hello, lovely parents of the Internet! I am Gretchin, mom of a wild two-year-old, Ellie, and new contributor to BVT Moms Blog. I’m so happy to be here, to share my stories, and learn from other amazing Vermont moms! I’d...
If you Google the phrase, “Sex after kids,” a quick scroll down the page reveals a list of articles and blog posts entitled, “Is there sex after kids?” “Sexless marriage,” “How to maintain your sex life after having children,”...
My relationship with my mother is complicated, to say the least. You see, she is a drug addict and has been in a toxic and codependent relationship with my stepfather since I was eight years old. I moved out...
My son is now six years old and my daughter is four years old. I have only left them overnight for one weekend last summer and they stayed at home with their father, so it wasn't much of a...
One of the hardest times for me as a parent was the year that my son was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. It wasn’t due to the fact of his autism diagnosis, but due to the fact that...
When I returned to work after maternity leave, my husband switched to working second shift so he could be at home with our 4 month old son during the day. I’m not going to lie, the idea of leaving...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...