30 Day Challenges
It wasn't until after my first daughter was born 4 years ago that I discovered my affinity for 30 day challenges.
It all started when I became frustrated that I wasn't taking time to do...
Loving Someone with Type 1 Diabetes
When I first started dating my husband I didn't even really know what the term blood sugar meant. I certainly didn't know what was considered a "normal" blood sugar range (which is around 80-120)....
Spring Time Nature Activities with Your Kids
March and April are months of reawakening of our natural world.
I can almost see the springing back to life reflected in my children's eyes. I can feel the fire in my own belly as...
Maple Sugaring at Home
It's started out so innocent. Then 3 taps, 2 Sugar Maple trees, eight 5-gallon food grade buckets, 2 propane tanks of gas, 1 turkey fryer, and over 40 gallons of sap later, it was...
I’m Guessing You Don’t Have Kids
There are times in my day when I encounter people for one reason or another that make me utter under my breath the words "I'm guessing you don't have kids!"
Here is a sample of...
On Turning 40
I love birthdays and not just mine. I love all birthdays.
It's that one day made just for you. I love baking cakes illuminated with a copious amount of candles for friends and family. I...
It’s Apparently Called Breath Holding
When my first daughter was just over 1 yr old, I witnessed what had to be one of the most terrifying moments in my life.
It played out something like this. Piper, 1 yr old...
It’s Worth It
Despite the still warm days and brilliant colors, I feel the anxiety of winter stealing my ability to just fall into the graces of this season.
Now, before having kids, I would have been relishing...
Let’s Let Them Play
I remember my childhood as days of going into the woods with my pocket knife and maybe some nails and lumber poached from my dad's workbench.
I would spend all day in the dirt and...