Nan Patrick
Career or Family… Must I Choose?
As I was scrolling on LinkedIn, I read a post from Erika Spradley, a business coach who helps women excel at work.
The post started with a sentence from a client that said, “I don’t...
Am I too Pushy? A Natural Leader Reflects
Too pushy! Now, that’s a hot button topic for me! I wish I could remember when being “too pushy” first became an issue in my life.
When I was a young girl, I remember advocating...
50 Nanisms for More Healthy, Happy, and Stylish Living
I have been in the fashion and beauty business since 1977. During that time, I have developed many opinions about stylish living. People have often suggested that I write a book, but I don’t...
I’m Married Now… Does My Appearance Matter Anymore?
A popular saying goes that when couples marry, women think they will change their husbands and men think their wives will never change. Yeah… good luck with that, people. I heard that statement years...
The Parenting Paradox: A Grandmother’s Reflection on Time
Many of you are in the thick of parenting. You are working, your kids are learning remotely, and you are juggling more than you could have imagined before this pandemic struck. Am I getting...
What I’d Most Like to See Return From My Childhood
I was born in 1954. People had telephones attached to a wall, you paid extra for long-distance and you paid more per minute for your calls. When I was very small, it was fancy...
Thinking about Self-Image… Should I Care What I Look Like?
On so many levels, I would say yes, I care what I look like. My self-image is important to me.
About a month ago, a client sent me a photo of a woman by her...
Mother’s Day, My Hurt Feelings, and Pulling On My Big Girl Pants
As you know, Mother’s Day was several weeks ago, and I am glad I didn’t write this article about my hurt feelings in the heat of the moment. Count to ten and all of...
Putting Yourself First: Is it Selfish for a Mother to Come First?
Has anyone ever said to you, “You should write a book, you’ve got great stories”? Yeah, yeah, that would be nice, but I don’t have the patience. Most of what I write is a...
Living through History in this Mother’s Lifetime: COVID-19 Edition
COVID-19… did this one ever turn the world on its butt!
What were the other big events during this mother's lifetime, you ask?
If you were alive then, you remember everything about President Kennedy being shot....