Send yourself some love...because life is too damn short to worry about your cellulite! My relationship with my thighs has always been rocky. Even when my thighs were younger, I never liked them. Hideous cellulite in a bathing suit, huge pieces of...
I see you there, six with your skinned knees and short hair, chasing after the boys down the street with a skateboard under your arm.   I see you wanting to fit in with your brother, even wearing his clothes. Wanting to be the same. (But in secret,...
There's no need to be afraid. There's no need to be bashful. That's what I tell myself. What I'm wearing in the photo is no more revealing than a bathing suit at the beach, except my midriff is exposed. The stretch...
Dear Nora and Maggie, I want to start this letter by reminding you all just how much I love you. I know I tell you all this a lot, but my words can never truly express just how much I...
Camera shy?  More like camera phobic!  Thanks to digital photography I have been able to successfully avoid photos of myself through cropping or simply just deleting!  In the past ten years, I maybe have a dozen photos, mostly obligatory...
This body. This tired, strong, overworked body. Two boys breathed through this body, stretched skinny baby legs up into its rib cage, made its insides jump with little baby hiccups. This body fearlessly delivered two boys earthside, nursed life into...
I spent a good chunk of the Saturday before the Body After Babies photo shoot trying to figure out how to get out of it. When I couldn't find Spotlight Vermont - I thought it was a sign from God....
For pretty much my whole life I have been the image of "skinny": Long legs, lean torso, and a thin face. Despite being the "envy" of people around me I have never actually felt "skinny". In my mind I...
I’m a local doula and childbirth educator, and more importantly for this post, a MOTHER. As part of my Preparation for Birth series, I cover the immediate postpartum period to help prepare expectant women for what’s to come. Mostly...
When we have babies, our lives totally change and are never the same - our routines, our checkbooks, our hearts  - yet somehow we are surprised when our bodies permanently change too. My body doesn't look the same as it...
With the beginning of each new year comes the resolution talk. The most common New Years Resolution, especially for women, seems to be losing weight. While there is nothing wrong with this, I was hoping that we, as a...
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In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...