With the beginning of each new year comes the resolution talk. The most common New Years Resolution, especially for women, seems to be losing weight. While there is nothing wrong with this, I was hoping that we, as a blog team and community of moms, could begin this new year a little differently.
How about this for a New Years resolution:
I resolve to embrace myself just as I am.
I resolve to fight to love myself each day no matter what the scale says and despite any flaws I see reflected in that mirror.
Rather than fighting all year to change myself, I will fight to love myself- right where I’m at.
I resolve to stop letting our backwards society dictate what is beautiful and proudly reflect what true beauty looks like…
As I watched over forty of you participate in our photo shoot last weekend I was blown away by the beauty that filled that room. So many loving mothers with bodies that held stunning reminders of the life they had brought forth.
This series is about celebration. Through the images of real mother’s bodies and authentic women’s words, we are opening up a conversation that is long overdue. We value the spirits of each and every mother and it is time that we unleash our incredible beauty together. It is time for honesty. It’s time for freedom. It’s time to redefine what beauty is.
Alexandra :: Age 30 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys
Ali :: Age 24 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 girls :: “Write your own story and follow your instincts.”
Alison :: Age 35 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 girls
Amy :: Age 38 :: 5 pregnancies :: 2 boys & 1 girl
Carina :: Age 34 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys
Age 27 :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 boy
3 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 2 girls
3 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 2 girls
Crystal :: Age 35 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys :: “Anything is possible if you believe you can.”
Elissa :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys
Ellen :: Age 44 :: 2 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 1 girl :: “You only live once!”
Heather :: 2 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 1 girl :: “Work in progress.”
Jana :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 boy
Jennifer :: Age 39 :: 1 boy & 1 girl :: “When my son was 7 mo old I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I had to stop nursing, go through chemo, and wait to see if baby #2 would ever be. Now my daughter is 15 mo old and these years and experiences have changed the way I feel about my body. My body is strong, it has endured, and I am proud of it.”
Jenny :: Age 34 :: 2 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 1 girl :: “Enjoy every moment!”
Karri :: “This scar across my belly is the mark of an exclusive club that no man will ever be able to have. How amazing is that?”
Kathleen :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 boy
Kathlin :: Age 33 :: 3 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 2 girls
Katie :: Age 30 :: 1 pregnancy :: 1boy
Kayla :: Age 29 :: 2 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 1 girl
Kelley :: Age 35 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys
Kristy :: Age 36 :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 boy :: “Be with what is so that what is to be may become.”
Mary :: Age 32 :: 2 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 2 girls
Molly :: Age 34 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys
Nissa :: 2 girls
Richarda :: Age 38 :: 4 pregnancies :: 3 boys :: “Love wins!”
Sandra :: Age 33 :: 3 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 1 girl :: “Mommy, why is your belly so squishy? Because you and your sister lived in there for 9 mos each!”
Sarah :: Age 31 :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 boy :: “Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.”
Shannon :: Age 38 :: 3 pregnancies :: 2 boys
Stacie :: Age 35 :: 1 pregnancy :: 2 boys
Stacie :: Age 30 :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 girl
Steff :: Age 35 :: 4 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 1 girl
Tara :: Age 34 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys
Tara :: Age 32 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 boys :: “Do what works for you.”
Tara :: AGe 29 :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 boy
Tasha :: Age 36 :: 5 pregnancies :: 3 boys
Tiffany :: Age 30 :: 1 pregnancy :: 1 girl
Tricia :: Age 32 :: 3 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 2 girls :: “Choose joy!”
Verena :: Age 40 :: 2 pregnancies :: 2 girls
Zenaida :: Age 39 :: 2 pregnancies :: 1 boy & 1 girl
Come back tomorrow and Wednesday to read more from our contributors and guest bloggers as they open up about their own bodies and the struggle to embrace them as they are now.
[…] images of women with newly formed cellulite, stretch marks, and larger, darker breasts…let’s embrace the transforming female body that is creating […]
What an amazing and real look at proud women. I appreciate the personal information on number of pregnancies vs. number of children. As someone who recently experienced a miscarriage, it helps me keep in perspective that it happens to other women and I will one day soon be pregnant with a healthy baby. Thank you for you supportive blog and Facebook page.
Best wishes to you, EMH! Both of my children are “rainbow babies”, babies conceived after miscarriage (and both while I still would have been pregnant). I hope you experience the same joy. I still am unsure how to grieve, but you’re right, there’s something about hearing that others have gone through the same thing that unites us, lends support, and gives us hope.
I can’t seem to see all the pictures, the slide show hits a hiccup around the 5th or 6th photo. Should I try something different? Maybe its my computer?
[…] images of women with newly formed cellulite, stretch marks, and larger, darker breasts…let’s embrace the transforming female body that is creating […]
LOVE all those beautiful thighs!!! I am woman, hear me roar!!!
What an amazing and real look at proud women. I appreciate the personal information on number of pregnancies vs. number of children. As someone who recently experienced a miscarriage, it helps me keep in perspective that it happens to other women and I will one day soon be pregnant with a healthy baby. Thank you for you supportive blog and Facebook page.
Best wishes to you, EMH! Both of my children are “rainbow babies”, babies conceived after miscarriage (and both while I still would have been pregnant). I hope you experience the same joy. I still am unsure how to grieve, but you’re right, there’s something about hearing that others have gone through the same thing that unites us, lends support, and gives us hope.
I love this. I’m writing a similar post over at Des Moines Moms Blog on Thursday. Thanks for being brave and sharing your hearts.
I can’t seem to see all the pictures, the slide show hits a hiccup around the 5th or 6th photo. Should I try something different? Maybe its my computer?
beautiful and brave women. Thank you for doing this!
Brave, Courageous group of woman!!! ROCK ON !! #truebeauty Thank you for starting the conversation and redefining beauty!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!
Correction: North Photography 🙂
Absolutely beautiful! Stunning women and babes! Great job Northway Photography and BVMB!!!