At my last doctor appointment, my OB asked what my birth plan was. You see, last time I had this lovely, detailed, birth plan all printed out and in my bag ready to go. It never even left the...
My journey to motherhood started a little different than most. I always dreamed of being a mother, but I had a severe phobia of doctors, needles and childbirth. I had been married to my husband since 1997 and every...
From the first days of our dating relationship my husband, Gabriel, and I talked about adopting. In fact, when we dreamed of our family, we pictured having one biological child and adopting the rest. My husband jokingly said, “Let’s...
Recently my husband and two children went for a walk with our dog at Red Rocks Park in South Burlington. The path was littered with golden leaves, and more were still drifting slowly down from the treetops like a...
A mother is impatiently counting down the days until her due date. Her belly protrudes to unbelievable proportions and vigorous kicking keeps her awake at night. Sometimes her husband can feel the kicking on his back as they lay...
I told the story here. It was the one about children first conceived in a heart and then in a Petri dish. There was fear and hope and a deep contented smile of an ending that left me laden...
As we come into the 30th week of pregnancy, my husband and I have many lists going. A list on things to get done, a list of things to buy for the baby, a list of things to pack...
When I became pregnant with my second baby, I knew from the start that I wanted a VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarian). After much research, I felt that it was the safest option as long as I did not...
This information that I am going to share with you today deals with a very tough topic: infant loss. Please be prepared that some of the images shared here are of babies that have passed away. They are tasteful,...
I still get goose bumps as I walk down the halls to the McClure Birthing Unit at FAHC, some 5 years later. This time I am headed to celebrate the miracle that happened then, to bring birthday cupcakes to...
With all the things that could go wrong in a body, it's a real wonder that babies are born everyday. Think about the journey a sperm takes on its way to an egg. It's survival of the fittest, a...
By now, you may have read about some of the struggles and challenges other women have faced getting and staying pregnant. My husband and I have been blessed in that getting pregnant was the easy part for us. Although during each of...
About three years ago, my husband and I decided it was time to start a family. We took all the “right” steps to lead us down the path of becoming parents and began to prepare for this new phase...
In the August 1991 issue of Vanity Fair magazine, Demi Moore graced the cover nude and pregnant. This memorable portrait beautifully broke down the barriers that had women hiding their pregnancies under shape-less clothing. Annie Leibovitz was the photographer for this...