Stacie Gabert
How I Became a Mother: Me? A Mom?
BurlingtonVT Moms Blog is partnering with Vermont Midwives Association to bring you our latest series titled “How I Became a Mother” in honor of Mother’s Day. Each of us has a unique journey on...
Why My Husband is Superman
Yes, this may turn out to be one of those mushy blog posts - but I think I am due for one. Most of the time my husband is Clark Kent - he blends...
Dinner? Again?
It's the weekly struggle - what am I going to make for dinner this week? Summer is easy because you can always put something on the grill and it's delicious! Winter - not so...
Sleeping like a baby. What?
Have you heard that term before - "I slept like a baby"? It wasn't until I had Clark and Dean that I started to resent that term. My kids slept for about an hour...
The Blog About Nothing
I am a HUGE Seinfeld fan - anyone else? It really was the best show in the world. The show was basically about nothing - just the day to day life of a small...
Who’s Nana and Puppy?: When Family Lives Far Away
If you are fortunate enough to have your family living close by - then you will not relate to this post.
My parents live about 7 hours away by car or 2 flights away. It...
Twins: What not to say to their mothers
It's the word that brings fear to most expectant mothers. I know I certainly let out a few four letter words when I found out I was having them. There is a weird...
Body After Babies :: My Kids Are Worth It
I spent a good chunk of the Saturday before the Body After Babies photo shoot trying to figure out how to get out of it. When I couldn't find Spotlight Vermont - I thought it...
A Cheap Escape: Reading!
I know being a parent leaves less time to do things you did before you had kids. One of my favorite things to do is curl up in bed and read. I spent the...
Spice up your Dinners: Baked Turkey and Jack Cheese Chimichangas
I am stuck in a food rut - does that happen to you?
You are eating the same things for dinner week after week? I am ALWAYS looking for easy and somewhat healthy recipes...
Happily Ever After . . . or is it?
I think back to the days when my husband and I first met - when I would stare at his face admiringly for hours and hours. I recall wanting to spend every waking second...
The holiday buzz this year is around the convergence of two holidays - Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. This won't take place again for another 79,000 years! On Thursday November 28, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlap for...
Battle Scars: Dealing with your Postbirth Body
My husband and I will be going to a wedding and I am stressed about it. Why? I have nothing that fits me in my closet. Sound familiar?My clothes consist of a few categories:
Need to Relax? Get a Massage from Marjie!
I had a day off in the middle of the week - sounds relaxing, right? Days off used to mean sleeping in, watching horrible daytime tv, and wearing my pajamas all day. Not the...