Send yourself some love…because life is too damn short to worry about your cellulite!
My relationship with my thighs has always been rocky.
Even when my thighs were younger, I never liked them.
Hideous cellulite in a bathing suit, huge pieces of flesh crammed into shorts, jeans never fitting right . . . the list was endless.
This is the story I used to tell myself every single day . . .
My thighs should be thinner.
My thighs should look like everyone else’s.
My thighs should have less cellulite.
My thighs should have more muscle.
My thighs should just look better.
All those “shoulds” were exhausting, painful, unmotivating, and just plain sucky.
So . . . after 3 decades of this struggle . . . I decided to change my story.
And this is how I am doing it . . .
EVERY single day I am sending my thighs love.
Some days it’s a whole lotta love.
Other days it’s a struggle to find anything I can even tolerate about my damn thighs!
This is what it looks like . . .
“Thank you thighs, I’m impressed . . . you got me down that icy hill on my snowboard without letting me fall on my butt, and I actually had fun!”
“I love to dance, and you (thighs) have always been right there with me . . . that deserves some love.”
“Thank you thighs for giving me the ability to keep up with my two active boys!”
“As much as I dread the 5000 squats {perhaps a slight exaggeration} I do in Boot Camp and the room full of revealing mirrors so I can make sure to catch my thighs at every angle . . . I am grateful for your strength and power, thank you.”
What’s your “rocky relationship” . . . your thighs, butt, nose, arms, hair, belly . . . all of the above???
Send it some love and see what happens.
Do it right now, “Thank you ______ for _________.”
Just STOP with those painful stories and the self loathing . . .
Would you hang out with a friend that constantly says to you, “You really should lose 10 pounds before even looking at a swimsuit!” or “OMG those thighs should never see the light of day!” or “You will never be thin so just give up!” This friend would be kicked to the curb!! So why do you do it to yourself day after day after day??
How motivated are you to take a walk or choose fruit over cookies when you are constantly putting yourself down and making yourself feel like {you know what}? My hunch? NOT so motivated!
So take a deep breath and find something to love about that rocky relationship with yourself and say “thank you.”
Repeat . . . EVERYDAY!
Those painful thoughts WILL begin to relax and unwind.
That rocky relationship MAY even turn into a friendship.
Life will be a hell of a lot more FUN when you accept your whole package, flaws and all!
“Thank you thighs for looking so damn good in my new yoga pants, ahhh . . . true love {at least for today!}
Change your story and send yourself some love . . . because life is too short to worry about your cellulite!
[typography font=”Satisfy” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Written by Amy Davis[/typography]
I am a fierce “Leo” born under the hot August sun . . . warm hearted, generous, confident, outgoing, bossy, and passionate. I am grateful for my fabulous husband who always honors my true path. I am totally in love with my two boys who are quickly maturing into amazing young men . . . this is one of my biggest accomplishments.
As a Certified Martha Beck Life Coach, I guide my clients to be the best version of themselves. I don’t give advice or hold your hand. I teach you tools to access your inner wisdom. I encourage you to trust your own guidance. I push you, I challenge your painful thoughts, I provide you with lots of fresh perspectives. With life coaching . . . you learn tools to live a healthy and authentic life, you get to know the real you, you learn to listen to your inner wisdom, you feel healthy, strong, alive and true to who you are and what you want from your life. For more inspiration or to coach with me, check out my website:
[…] alert: I don’t currently love my body. I do love my children that made my body this way. I do not, in any way, resent my boys. But my […]
Love this Amy! You are so right…life is too short!