In our latest episode of our Whose Kid is That?!? podcast, Julie and Val are joined by Aliza Shapiro, LCSW, a licensed psychotherapist and founder of Therapy in the City. They chat about what revenge bedtime procrastination is, why we do...
This morning, I woke up like any other day, thinking about my usual to-dos: getting the kids moving, tackling my work list, and the small tasks that keep life together. But then, that lingering thought crept in: “I need...
  This is what autism looks like in our house:  A few weeks ago, we ordered a new lunchbox for my son, Will, for the start of his new EEE preschool program. I found a lunchbox with a solar system...
Christmas is my favorite time of year. I deck the house out in decorations and watch every Christmas movie ever made. My Mom has always made Christmas a big deal so we have many traditions that we do not skip....
Dear friends, I have a confession to make. I hate planning. Did you know this about me? I have an irrational fear of being pinned down by plans, while at the same time, fear the looming abyss of unscheduled time. One...

Maple Sugaring at Home

It's started out so innocent. Then 3 taps, 2 Sugar Maple trees, eight 5-gallon food grade buckets, 2 propane tanks of gas, 1 turkey fryer, and over 40 gallons of sap later, it was anything but a simple science...
There must be some kind of human condition that makes us love to peek into each others lives. Whether it's watching daily vlogs or mukbangs on youtube, or opening someone's medicine cabinet when you use their restroom, we love to...
If you have young children that are school age, you are beginning to hear rumblings around this time of year about the 100th day of school.   Even if your children are older and the days of elementary school are...
Each fall, as the air gets crisp and the days get short, I can sense a feeling of excitement radiating from my husband. While I am excited about sweaters and apple crisp, he is looking forward to hunting season. Hunting...
I had been just a normal adult male, a grandpa, going about a normal life, until one recent day I learned that I had become, “Baba.” My grandson didn’t call me anything for more than a year after he...
Night terrors. Screaming. Flailing. Stiff body. I remember my son’s first episode of night terrors as clear as my children's births. My husband and I were relaxing after the kids had gone to bed and were getting ready to watch...
My daughter's best friend moved away. We knew for a while that this move was coming, but it still hit hard when it came. The girls met in kindergarten and were immediately best friends. They were in the same classrooms...
I keep thinking about how our society is going through these super rapid changes due to the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. I don't think this virus is going to be a flash-in-the-pan in our shared experience either. COVID-19...
I’m a GoPro Parent, and I’m proud of it! I’m sure you’ve heard of Helicopter Parents. You can spot them at the playground hovering over their child(ren), supervising their every move, ready to swoop in at any moment. And you’re...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...