I seem to have a lot of friends whose houses are always spotless and organized. They could have Better Homes & Gardens show up unannounced for a photo shoot and they are prepared. Everything in their house has a place and it’s always put back in that place. A weekend day is dedicated to cleaning and getting that house back in order from the week’s events.
This is not me, like not at all. I am a messy mom.
If you show up at my house unannounced, it will most definitely be a mess. And honestly, even if it’s planned, it probably still won’t be clean to your standards. Everyone is always welcome either way.
There will be items out on my kitchen counters that I use daily because I hate the time it takes to put it away only to need it the next day.
Even when my kitchen is at its cleanest, I’ll probably have a couple dirty dishes on the counter.
My bed will likely not be made. There’s usually not a reason for guests to go to my bedroom, but if you do, be warned.
I have piles of clothes everywhere. Some clean, some not. I know the difference, you may not be able to tell.
Toys are strewn about in my family room. Sometimes I make an attempt to pile them all back up nicely, most of the time I know they are just going to all get pulled out again and don’t waste my time.
No matter how messy my house is, if you call me up to do something fun, staying home to clean will rarely be a reason to say no.
I’d like to blame it on the being a mom, that having a baby has taken up all my time and I just cannot stay organized, but the truth is I was messy before having a baby. I sometimes wonder what I did with all my time before this little human came along and made it even harder to be a clean person, but she is not all to blame.
I’ve seen the phrases “a messy home is a happy home” or other similar phrases that suggest we are too busy making memories to clean. But while it sounds like a good excuse, I don’t believe it.
Some people are not happy in a messy home. If you need your house clean before you can enjoy the weekend with your family then that is what you should do. I grew up with a mom like this and believe me, having a clean house did not hold us back from making many happy memories.
I think it comes down to I just don’t have the guilt and anxiety other moms have about my house being messy. Sure if I’m having a party or a holiday gathering I will spend time to get my house “spotless” but day-to-day I cannot guarantee the state you will find my household in. I’m much more a type B personality and I think that allows me to be more laid back about it.
I used to feel guilty about not feeling guilty, but I’m trying to just come to terms that this is who I am. I certainly go through phases where I have all intentions of keeping the house spotless but I just never manage to keep it up. I sometimes browse Pinterest for tips that will help me keep the house a little more clean while not overwhelming me with spending all night cleaning after a full day at work. Some weeks I start off really strong, but usually by Thursday I’ve given up and the disaster is back.
[…] I survey the situation, the yard, the house, the kitchen, the kids, the dog, the husband. One uncomfortable word comes to mind: […]
I’m trying to learn to worry less about the mess. I’m getting more type B where it doesn’t bother me as much and I have that same guilt that I should be caring more. Is there an apathy anonymous?
I’m so jealous of you! I just can’t seem to relax when my house is messy, which is often of course with two toddlers. I wish that I could just let it go already!