Tag: Mom Humor

Ten Life Lessons I Learned From My Toddlers

Children boast a wealth of knowledge before they can even clearly articulate their wisdom. Here are ten invaluable life lessons I learned from my...

I Don’t Care if My Leggings Offend You: In Defense of...

Not long ago, a fellow Vermont Mom writer shared a piece of writing about the importance of “looking your best” even now, during Covid....

8 Binge-Worthy Teen Dramas That I’ll Watch As A Mom

Whether you are looking for some serious me time distractions or just a great binge-worthy teen drama, I’ve got you covered. Here’s the real deal....

Mom Confessions: My Epic Failed Attempt at a Family Holiday Tradition

Five years ago, I had the wonderful idea to create a new family holiday tradition. My idea was pulled from my love affair with...

Getting Yourself Ready for Middle School in 25 Easy Steps

Congratulations! Despite having only just brought your baby home from the hospital last week, today they’re suddenly ready for middle school! However ready your...

Mom Lies: The Sneaky Things I Tell My Kids Nearly Daily

Before I had kids; I had no idea what this parenting thing was all about. I sure thought I did, though. When I think...

Lifestyle and Habits of the Toddler Mom as Observed in the...

In order to prepare for a new phase in my life after having a baby, I chose to conduct fieldwork focusing on a species...

Inventions I Plan To Create When I Become A Parenting Super...

If necessity is the mother of invention, then inventions are necessary to survive modern momhood. The consumer parenting world is made of marvelous toys. We...

Is Social Media the New “Keeping up with the Joneses”

I love social media. I love the connections it creates, the resources it provides, and the news it generates. But I also hate social...

My Potty Training Saga: Why Potty Training is Making Me Crazy

My son is four years old and still wears diapers... and not just at night. We are in a potty training stalemate.  My son, G,...

Mommy Brain: Does It Ever Go Away?

One of the first things I was warned of when I got pregnant was Mommy Brain.   Well, I guess I was really warned about...

Five Questions I Never Thought I’d Ask

Being the mom of two young boys, I ask a lot of questions on a daily basis. Some of them fall under the mundane, from...

Want to Compete in the Mom Olympics?

This summer, I am training for the Mom Olympics. Finally, a sporting event I have a shot at winning, am I right? The world seems...

Children Make Terrible Roommates

While at the library the other day, I read a really cute book called Children Make Terrible Pets by Peter Brown. When I returned home later...