Laura Roald
Inventions I Plan To Create When I Become A Parenting Super Genius
If necessity is the mother of invention, then inventions are necessary to survive modern momhood.
The consumer parenting world is made of marvelous toys. We all turn to gadgets and doohickeys designed to give us...
Podcast Parenting: How Digital Radio Shapes My Life Raising Kids
The podcast has taken over our home.
This is an observation, not a criticism. In the decade I have spent on the parenthood trail, podcasts have gone from strange audio delicacy to the first thing...
Weather Reports – The Key to Household Harmony
We talk about the weather.
I am sure that you do too. It seems like the weather is all we have in common, some days. No matter what else is happening in the world around us,...
Vermont Childhood Milestones – Keep Track of those Brave Little Moments
In the Green Mountain State, we measure parenthood in Vermont childhood milestones.
When you have a baby, some well-intentioned friend or relation will likely give you a lovely embossed journal to keep track of “precious...
Busy Days, Busy Nights, Busy Weeks, Busy Life – Welcome to the Busy Season
There was always a busy season.
Once upon a time, I had a job where I left my house every day. I traveled to a different building, where I would work with live human adult...
Introvert Mama’s Guide To Surviving the Mom Wars
"Mom Wars" got you down?
The best part of being an Introvert Mama is that I am totally comfortable both with navel gazing and with ignoring other people entirely. This means I’ve spent my tour...
Solo Parenting: Sometimes, It’s Just The Kiddos and Me
During the work week, I am usually the only parent my kids have in this state.
My friends who parent without the benefit of a permanent partner react very strongly when a mom or dad...
Want to Compete in the Mom Olympics?
This summer, I am training for the Mom Olympics.
Finally, a sporting event I have a shot at winning, am I right? The world seems hell bent on making mothers compete against each other like...
Let’s Fight the Tyranny of Self-Care
If I read one more article demanding I make time for self-care, I will burn the Internet to the ground.
I mean it. This isn't like the time I threatened to use all the women's...
Generation X Mom Thinks Out Loud
This is the not the blog post where I pretend to be the voice of my generation.
Because I’m not. As one of the 65 million or so people collectively called Generation X, the one...
Worst Advice Ever: Vomit Edition
Vomit is the worst.
The only thing worse that a child throwing up every two hours all night long is the ridiculous and inane advice you will get from your friends, family, and the Internet...
Hate You: A Love Story
My daughter hates me, and I couldn’t be prouder.
Let me back up a step – my five-year-old kiddo is not hate deranged, and there is nothing amiss in our family dynamic. I am simply...
Mom Cold Is Not For Wimps
Congratulations - you have a Mom Cold!
If you don’t currently have a Mom Cold - don’t worry, you will. The cold and flu season will be around for at least another few months, and...
What’s In Your Planner?
I have a new day planner.
Yes, I know we are a month into the year. I will have you know this is a replacement planner. (Sidenote: Don’t store your kids wet bathing suits in...