Orange or Coral lips are very trendy for spring and summer. However... orange sounds a little scary, right? Don't worry, it can be very wearable in the right shade! Leaning more towards a light coral stain or gloss will still...
A Different Fairy Tale Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived in a majestic castle, in a faraway magical land. This ridiculously perfect place was also the home of a very handsome prince. They met, fell in love,...
It took me a long time to be able to find a way to convey the bright side of living in a multi-generational household. It felt shame worthy. Why are my husband and I, who both have great jobs, relegated...
We had a wonderful morning celebrating new and expecting moms at our Bloom Event held at ECHO Leahy Center a couple of weeks ago! Presenting Sponsors Thank you so much to ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain for not only being our sponsor...
I’m a proud geek. Have been all my life. In high school, I was the kid who spent her free time and study halls in the music room or memorizing lines for the next play. I lettered in...
Summer Break! Summer is here! We are excited to spend some time off with our families and enjoy a little vacation from the everyday hustle and bustle. For the month of July, we will be taking a break from posting...
Do you always wait for the perfect time to get things done? I hope not, since the perfect time doesn't actually exist. As a mom, it is so easy to procrastinate about doing just about anything because it's not the...
I have a lot of requirements when it comes to my makeup, but being multipurpose is my number one requirement. To know that I’m truly getting my money’s worth is key, which also helps to diffuse any guilt I...
Summer is here! Wedding invitations abound. I love attending weddings. I love to dress up and visit beautiful venues. Weddings are a chance to gather with friends and family to celebrate love. The good food and music add to my...
Dog owners, I’m going to predict right now that some of you will hate me after reading this. In fact, I can feel the anger from all the way across my internet. But you know how hormones and craziness...
Many people have a love/hate relationship with their appearance. Mine really began when I was around eighteen years old. In 2001, I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life, aside from taking that hip hop class a...
We’ve heard of sick days, mental health days, vacation days, and whatever other labels are assigned to time off, but for kids, I think there should also be a “health day” category. As my kids get older and have...
Let me start by laying this out there for you - when I say “family show,” I’m definitely not talking about TGIF or Nick at Night shows. Do these even exist anymore? Either way, when you get to my...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...