DIY projects, or, for the uninitiated, do-it-yourself projects, are my current addiction, and I don’t see them going away anytime soon. I don’t know if it’s my age or my way of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, but I can’t...
Today is our 15th Valentine's Day together, and next month will bring our 14th wedding anniversary. This has been a wild and crazy ride, to put it mildly. Shortly after we stood in front of family and friends and became...
One of the hardest times for me as a parent was the year that my son was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. It wasn’t due to the fact of his autism diagnosis, but due to the fact that...
When Meghan Markle bravely declared on international news that she was, “Not okay,” after the birth of her first child, I found myself nodding along to the clip, recalling those first few weeks and months as a new mom,...
When my husband and I brought our oldest son home from the hospital, I just wasn’t right. I didn't know at the time, but I was suffering from postpartum anxiety. People don’t talk about this enough, but I wish...
Recently, I was reading a fellow mom blogger’s post about keeping adult friendships alive and it got me thinking about female friendship in light of my recent divorce. Divorce is weird. You were once a part of a pair and...
I married a great guy. He’s a likable husband. I should be proud of that. I am proud of that. But I'm also annoyed by it, if I'm being honest.  I am the wife of a likable husband. The grumpy...
I don’t know what I’m doing. There. I said it… Are you happy, world??? This dad’s life is basically a series of hot messes that I’m desperately trying to contain with Kirkland brand disinfecting wipes. Shout out to Costco for...
I’m going to have to pass on your Girl’s Night; I’d rather hang out with my husband and kids. Sorry, not sorry. I feel so relieved to finally say it out loud. I know, it’s cool to complain about and...
As a mom, I have plenty of body issues. Unfortunately, my husband often brings out my insecurities. Don't get me wrong. My husband is wonderfully supportive. He doesn't say or do anything that makes me worry about my body. Instead,...
Sex with my husband saved my marriage. Making love connected us not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually. Our lovemaking was a beautiful reminder of why we were together, and why we’d chosen each other to share our lives....
Divorced mom life comes with a range of challenges as I mentioned in an earlier post (which you should go read). However, there are some silver linings of a shared custody arrangement too. Frankly, it’s the silver linings of...
This message is brought to you by a divorced mom who would just like to get it out there that divorced life as a parent is not glamorous. Maybe no one thought that to begin with. But I want...
In recent years, since I became a mother twice over, and despite many changes to my body, I’ve embraced my sexuality more than ever before. What is my trick, my magic approach to having a great sex life with...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...