About three years ago, my husband and I decided it was time to start a family.  We took all the “right” steps to lead us down the path of becoming parents and began to prepare for this new phase...
My journey to motherhood started off with all the hope and promise that every woman wishes for.  After moving to Seattle in 2007, my husband and I started trying to have a baby as soon as his new health...
I knew today was my day to post something but to be honest with you I had no idea what to write about.  I’m in the middle of a series focusing on health and exercise.  While important, it’s not...
I’ve been brainstorming this series for quite some time now.  I’ve thought a lot about hips; your hips and my hips.  And I’ve come to realize that there are a lot of ways we describe this part of our...
I wanted to share this great post from a good friend's blog about ways you can help a friend with a sick child.  Courtney has three quite adorable children and is very conscientious about the choices she makes for...
The holiday season has arrived.  The first snowfall always brings excitement.  There really is something magical about snowfall in the holiday season.  I have been listening to my friends, co-workers and even my patients discuss all the things that...
Here we are! It's officially the holiday season! And do you know what that means? I'm taking some time off of stepping on the scale. Now, let's get it straight... I'm still diary free, so there's an easy weight...
"You're 6 centimeters dilated! Just a little bit longer. Keep up the good work!" says the doctors and nurses while you're in labor. Sure! Keep up the good work! No problem... Just accept the pain you're in and remember that it will...
November is National Lung Cancer Awareness month. This is a little known fact coming out of Breast Cancer Awareness last month in October.  And yet, the statistics on lung cancer in this country are staggering.  In 2012 the Lung...
When you have a premature baby, your life becomes punctuated with numbers. It took me 4 years to get pregnant. That’s 48 negative pregnancy tests that I shed tears over, if you don’t count all the ones I bought extra,...
Hey y'all! It's been 8 days since I went dairy-free, and I must say...it's working. I'm so excited that changing my diet has helped with the spit-up and reflux of my two month old bundle o' joy! But let's...
In an effort to cut down on the amount that my 2 month old spits up after each nursing session, I'm making changes. I'm going dairy free, y'all! Why? Because cows milk is the #1 food item that passes...
While I'm on my mission of getting my pre-pregnant jeans over my hips, I've been finding healthier recipe options. I'm known to eat my fair share of ice cream (yeah, yeah, yeah - bad choice. I know...), and I've...
We all hear that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." While you probably agree with that sentiment you also probably agree that it's not always so simple. We're contending with animal feeding, shower taking, diaper changing, dashes...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...