Between work, two kids, trying to be an attentive wife and wanna-be Suzie Homemaker, I find myself taking pictures to keep my life in focus. Luckily for you, I’m the sharing type.
This past week was quite…germ-filled. Maddie caught the cold/flu from God-knows -where, who then shared it with her daddy (can you say “man cold”?!) and her little sister. Exciting times. With that being said, we made the most of it. And now that most of them are feeling better as of today, expect me to be galloping all around town because
I am
Seems like a cute picture, until Maddie sneezes all over her little sister 5 seconds after I took this picture…
I saw it coming – the continued sneezing, the fevers, the coughs… So I tried to “mellow them down” with some books. Guess how that went?! Yeah, I know. Try mellowing down kids who aren’t feeling the effects of the sickness that we Moms can see coming. What was I thinking???
I’m normally totally against the whole sleeping-baby-with-a-blanket thing, but she really is doing better sleeping with one. So, I mainly let her have one during nap time. And then watch her like a HAWK!
RAINBOW BREAD! I made Maddie and hubby some wonderful Chicken soup, so I figured I’d change things up and make some rainbow bread to brighten their day. Cute, right?! But I’ll admit. I didn’t come up with the oh-so-fabulous idea. I found it on Pinterest. Check out the instructions and recipe here.
Also on the menu? Banana muffins. Maddie used to call them “fuffins” when she hadn’t mastered the art of pronouncing the letter “M”, so whenever she’s feeling under the weather, my heart melts and I make her her favorite “fuffins”.
Happening in a couple of weeks – Mama has put her big girl pants on and realized that her first born needs to spread her wings and start Preschool. Thats a whole other story, but one great thing is that Maddie is super excited! Yesterday, she put on her “teacher shirt” and started teaching her little sister how to use a computer. Poor girl is going to be pissed when she realizes her Preschool doesn’t have computers. Love my little technology-obsessed girl!
Lastly, a haircut was in order. It was overdue and NEEDED to happen. I had given her the option of cooperating without screaming and running around the house while we chase after her with a brush and hair elastic being more compliant when it was time to brush her hair, wash her hair, put up her hair – or, to have her hair cut. Throughout the week, it was proven that the hair had to go! Hallelujah! Luckily, she LOVES it! 🙂
Enough about me! What have you been up to?
Great hair cut! And that baby snuggling with the blanket is about to come home with me.
Pretty great bread….. nice job FUN MOM! 🙂
And man cold…. oh man oh man oh man. My husband and I just had the same head cold but you would have thought he was dying and I was still able to get mostly everything done. That’s a whole other blog post!