Tag: Burlington VT Moms Blog

How to Mom Disabled: Lessons in Acceptance

I became disabled shortly after the birth of my second child in 2022. Learning how to mom disabled is an ongoing process. Acute postpartum...

Toddler Mom Hacks to Simplify your Life and Help Save Time...

Do you feel like since you became a mom, your to-do list continues to grow longer, but the number of hours in the day...

Five Simple Tips to Make Amazing Home Videos

Have you always wanted to put together amazing home videos but have no idea where to start or how they are made? Hopefully, after this...

Love, Heartbreak, and Why Being a Stepparent Is Still Parenting

Being a stepparent is hard and there is no easy way around that fact. I was recently reminded of this by another parent. The parent...

Vermont Wooden Blocks: The Absolute Coolest Blocks Ever!

{Disclaimer: We are working with Vermont Wooden Blocks to bring you this information. However, all opinions are our own!} Recently, the blog writers were given the...

Minimalism and Me: How this Mom of Two is Fighting Clutter

Recently, we let some laundry pile up… okay, a lot of laundry. Like, four clean loads to fold and at least that many to wash....

We Regularly Talk About Divorce and You Should Too

Spoiler Alert- Sam and I are not getting a divorce. However, that doesn't mean we don't talk about divorce. Let me explain. Both of us come...

Navigating Social Norms and Putting Myself Out There

Recently I decided to write a satirical post about how sexy pregnancy is (spoiler alert: it ain’t). I wrote it out and thought that it...

Maia at the Market

What? Did Daddy say that it’s farmers market day? OK! Let’s go! No? Oh breakfast first. Toast with peanut butter and bananas? Toast? Toast?...

Homemade Pasta

Homemade pasta doesn’t usually rank high on a working mom’s to do list. But it’s worth it. Well, on the weekend anyway. If you feel...

Baby its Cold outside…Maybe?

Its 7:45 and I’m heading out the door to bike the kids to school. I’m wearing a hat, a long down coat, mittens, and...

Our Bodies Are Not Meant For Childbirth

Our bodies are meant for this. This innocent-sounding phrase is everywhere. You read it in novels. You hear the instructor in childbirth class repeat it...

Ditch the Nursing Cover While Breastfeeding!

Ladies, can we all just agree on something? It’s time to ditch the nursing cover! You know the ones I’m talking about; they look like...

The Night Before the Very First Day of School

After you fell asleep tonight, I peaked into your room. You lay with your arms spread wide across your bed, your body impossibly long...