Fitting in a Family Dinner After Work
My parents split up when I was 2, so both of my parents had a lot to juggle in the evening with 2 kids and full-time work. Through my school years, my older sister...
Navigating Social Norms and Putting Myself Out There
Recently I decided to write a satirical post about how sexy pregnancy is (spoiler alert: it ain’t).
I wrote it out and thought that it needed some editing, but was otherwise funny. So I showed...
My Poor Second Kiddo
I’m a second kid. My husband is a second kid. We both know how this is going to go.
The first kid gets millions of cute pictures. From first food on faces, to first steps,...
Eating Locally in the Spring
I eat mostly local food.
Overall, this is born from the fact that I sell at a farmers market and have goodies left over at the end of the market that I trade with other...
Dad’s French Toast
Every family has it's food traditions and Christmas morning always meant sourdough french toast for me.
My sister and I always did Christmas morning at our dad's and the afternoon with our mom. We...
Business & Family
Before there was Maia, before there was my husband, there was my bakery.
I started Butterfly Bakery of Vermont only a year and a half out of college. You could say that I’ve always been...
Maia at the Market
What? Did Daddy say that it’s farmers market day? OK! Let’s go! No? Oh breakfast first. Toast with peanut butter and bananas? Toast? Toast? Toast? Toast? Toast? The toast is ready! Yum. That was...
Homemade Pasta
Homemade pasta doesn’t usually rank high on a working mom’s to do list. But it’s worth it.
Well, on the weekend anyway. If you feel comfortable making a pie crust, this is similar but easier....
Losing weight is easy. And really hard.
Like most overweight people I had a general goal to lose weight, so for Christmas 2009 I asked for (and received) a pedometer.
I had fun playing with it, even though I was kind of...
My Parenting Approach: Sitting on my thumbs
I’m the parent who’s doing nothing. Or that’s what I feel like anyway. When I go out with my toddler to the open gym or story time I see most of the other parents...
Pate for My Tired Pregnant Butt
This pregnancy has been nothing like my first pregnancy.
The first time around I was nauseous for most of the first trimester. Not the awful stuff, but the run-of-the-mill “give me all the ginger ale”...
Maple Pumpkin Bread with Cousins
This year everyone came to our house for Christmas. I love hosting and hate driving in the snow, so this was perfect. “Everyone” included two cousins to my toddler and I thought that I...
Mexican Slow Cooker Beans
I didn’t trust the slow cooker.
Add ingredients and walk away? Wha? No hovering, no regular stirring? But what if it burned?What if it turned off? What if all the liquid evaporated, burned the dish,...
Banana Cookies – A Toddler Treat
These cookies are my toddler’s FAVORITE.
I own a bakery and she will choose these cookies over my bakery cookies any day. In fact, she will only take a bakery cookie after she has first...