Our bodies are meant for this.
This innocent-sounding phrase is everywhere. You read it in novels. You hear the instructor in childbirth class repeat it again and again. And it’s all over on social media. It’s something women say to other women because they think that it is encouraging and helpful. Maybe you’ve even said it yourself because you were trying to reassure your pregnant friend that everything was going to turn out all right. Childbirth is scary so if you believe that we as women are “meant for this” maybe the whole thing will seem easier, but really that sentiment doesn’t help at all.
Whenever I hear someone say, “Our bodies are meant for this,” I get so angry. I hate those words because they sound so nice but really they can wreck havoc on a woman’s self image. Please just stop and think about what this phrase is really saying. These words imply that as women, our whole lives revolve around the experience of birthing babies. It’s like saying women’s bodies pretty much only exist so that we can go through labor and push babies through our vaginas. And if anything else happens or if you don’t ever get to have that particular experience, you haven’t fulfilled your body’s purpose. You aren’t natural. Maybe you didn’t try hard enough.
Well I say, screw this whole idea. I’m here to tell you- my body was not meant for this. I’ve gone through childbirth twice and had two totally different experiences with labor and delivery. The first was a long hard labor that ended in a “natural” delivery and the second was a short easy labor that ended in a near-emergency cesarean. Though my experiences were vastly different, they had one thing in common: neither birth felt like something that I was meant to do. Nope, not even a little bit.
The birth of my first child was “natural” so it probably should have been a great experience, right?
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. In fact, I hate using the word “natural” to describe birth because it makes me sound like I think other births are not natural and therefore aren’t as good or something. But the phrase “natural childbirth” has become shorthand and it’s the easiest way for me to tell you that my son came into this world without the need of any interventions such as being induced or using pain meds or undergoing surgery. Instead it was just thirty-six hours of awesome-super-fun-times-meant-for-this-labor, followed by two hours of suturing because my body is totally meant for being ripped wide open. Fun times!
Yes, I am proud of myself for powering through that incredibly difficult first labor.
It was something I wanted to do and I did it. But no, I never felt like my body was meant for any of that. In fact through the entire ordeal I felt like I was working against my body. I felt like I was giving birth to my son despite my body. My body seemed to want to work against me. It did not feel like some force of nature was supernaturally on my side. Nor did I feel like my body was meant for the ten weeks it took for my poor, sad pelvic floor to heal. And I certainly don’t feel like everything is according to nature’s plan when my scar still occasionally throbs even though four years have passed. Thank you, nature!
Don’t get me wrong, I am a proponent of natural birth. I’ve experienced it and I strongly feel that it should be an available option for women everywhere. I feel so lucky that I was able to have a midwife catch my first baby. And being able to hold my son close to my chest while he was still attached to me through his umbilical cord was one of the best moments of my life. But don’t give me the line that our bodies are meant for this. They are not. Human childbirth is extremely difficult. In comparison to the mother-to-baby ratio of other mammals, human babies are giants when they are born. And let us not forget that up until very recently, it was extremely dangerous for women to experience childbirth. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, this is still true.
When we tell pregnant women that your body is meant for this, we are essentially lying to them. And we are dismissing the experiences of so many mothers. This phrase negates the experience of adoptive mothers and those who cannot get pregnant. Because if we continually assert that a woman’s body is meant for childbirth, what value do we assign to those women that cannot biologically have a baby? Also, this saying is hurtful to me and so many other women who have needed to have cesareans in order to save the lives of themselves and their babies. Perhaps the worst part is that the phrase “our bodies are meant for this,” dishonors the memory of the countless women who have died trying to bring their babies into this world. If our bodies were meant for childbirth, why didn’t they survive?
Until I went through my second labor and ended up needing to have a cesarean, I was a full believer in the whole our bodies are meant for this philosophy. When I was in labor with our second baby, I remember turning to my husband between contractions and saying, “This is so great. I feel like my body is finally doing what it is supposed to do.” The ironic thing is that at that very moment, when I was so sure that everything was going so well, my body was actually trying to push my baby out feet first. She was literally almost falling out of my body backwards. This is a very dangerous situation because the cord can become prolapsed, cutting off the baby’s oxygen. Thank god this didn’t happen. But in those moments, my body was definitely not “doing what it was supposed to”.
Instead my baby almost came into the world in a very dangerous way. And I ended up going through a cesarean that bordered on being a full blown emergency.
Childbirth is bad-ass. It is both difficult and miraculous. And women should feel proud of themselves for having the guts to go through with it in all the different ways that it can be experienced. So, please, let’s stop telling women that our bodies are meant for this. It is misguided, inaccurate, and harmful. Instead, let’s tell pregnant women, “You can do this! We all get scared and we all struggle, but it’s worth it in the end- no matter what happens.”
This article is very biased and has an extremely negative. IMO not great writing either sorry you feel the need to stand on a pedestal to tell these horror experiences you have had becoming a mother. Our bodies wouldn’t handle this so well if they were not “made for it” literally science proves this wrong our internal organs were absolutely made to pro create – no one ever said it’s all we are made for. Very feminist tone dislike the vibe here. ✌?
[…] the women who give birth without pain […]
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I am with Britta. Our bodies are meant for many things, among them, reproduction. But no single activity of which we happen to be capable, defines us. I had four babies and while I have (almost always) felt that I was ‘meant for motherhood’, that is not synonymous with ‘meant for childbearing’. Ever since humans became bipedal, pregnancy and birth have been complicated and always potentially dangerous. That doesn’t take away from the gratifying experience–but I have always thought the point of the whole thing is the baby, not the delivery—just put my healthy baby in my arms. Britta is right that through most of history and today, still, in many places, the dangers are real. I want to emphasize the bravery of women giving birth–the faith and trust they demonstrate.
I do not agree with this. A woman’s body IS designed to give birth. It is actually one of the most important (if not THE most important) functions it was designed for.
That’s not to say it is without complication or surprise occurrences. I am grateful in these moments that there is modern technology to help support a woman who are having complications (in the past, many women and babies died instead). However, to say a woman’s body is not designed to do this because some people have complications, is a total misnomer and actually disempowering to women.
I wish more women trusted in the power of their own body to get them thru natural childbirth instead of going straight for drugs or interventions because they do not believe or have been told by society they are capable of handling the pain and stress of birth without them. One of the things that got me through my two natural, very long and arduous child births was KNOWING that my body was designed for this and that I could trust in its ability to carry me through even when it felt like I couldn’t. I also had a team of birth professionals with me to ensure if there were complications, there could be an intervention.
However, interventions are NOT the norm. Or at least they shouldn’t be, and are arguably completely overused by the medical industry for other reasons such as money and time. The natural norm is a woman’s body is MADE for this and if more women believed this, there might even be an increase in natural, intervention free births in this country. I am not saying in your situation interventions weren’t completely necessary and I am all for that and glad they were available– but to say because you had complications, women’s bodies in general are not designed to give birth is completely slanted and could be damaging to a pregnant woman’s confidence and ability to give nature a fair chance.
Way to miss the entire point of the article.
I don’t think she actually read the article, unfortunately.
Why is it a bad thing for a woman to alleviate her suffering in childbirth? Why is it such a travesty to experience a beautiful, peaceful birth with analgesia for pain relief?
Uh… saying my body is meant to breathe doesn’t mean that’s all I do…. My body is meant to give birth as well as many other things. I’m sorry you had negative experiences, but you sound extremely bitter.
Expressing her opinion doesn’t make her bitter.
Would you tell a person in the midst of an asthma attack that they were “meant to breathe”?