Rachel Shelley
How to Fuel The Family: Skiing Edition
Like many families in this state, my family commits to a winter of skiing. We spend one day a weekend at the mountain all winter. That’s like 98 Saturdays!
The purchase of four ski passes...
Baby its Cold outside…Maybe?
Its 7:45 and I’m heading out the door to bike the kids to school. I’m wearing a hat, a long down coat, mittens, and a scarf. My 9 year old is wearing a hoodie....
Take back the Day Date.
When was the last time you went out on a date with your partner?
If you are like me you have to really think about it. Welcome to the club. Dating your partner after kids is...
An Open Letter to Our Crossing Guard.
Dear Ann(e),
Hi. You know me. We wave every morning and afternoon during the school year. You know my kids and know that my oldest will stop on the corner and my youngest still needs...
Mama School: A Slacker Moms guide to avoiding the Summer Slide.
So here we are. Half way done with summer. 5 weeks down 5 to go. I started the summer break full of high hopes and feeling fancy free. I sit here and reflect on...
Not Broken
We’ve all been there. The moment your child does something that is the last straw and the flood gate of yelling opens. You are so mad you just yell. If you were to step...
Ten Perfect Beach Reads
I’m a reader. I. Am. A. Reader. I love to read. I make time to read. For me making time to read is the same as making time for date nights and exercise. If...
So Winter is Killing you? 5 Tips to help you survive.
Vermont is a beautiful State.
It is beautiful year round. Of course from November till late March Vermont doesn’t seem to like you much. In fact it seems like it wants to kill you. The...
Lessons from my Mom: Macaroni and Cheese Style
When I moved out on my own and in with my boyfriend, my dad gave me a three prong adapter (don’t even ask) and my mom gave me a cookbook. It wasn’t a cookbook...
Teacher Approved Teacher Gifts
So here we are... its December! No matter what you and your family celebrate it is the season of giving. We give to our friends, our kiddos, and our favorite charities (if you haven’t...
Making it Work
I am not the most athletic person. I do agree that my past posts on this blog would dispute this, and you may be muttering words like hypocrite and liar. But let me explain....
Winter is Coming: 5 tips for saving your sanity during ski season.
It’s almost Halloween so you know what that means…SKI SEASON!!
You seem shocked by this. I’m not sure why. This is Vermont after all. As soon as the beach gear goes away my kids are...
Top 4 Local Hiking Trails to Tackle with Your Kids Before They Turn 10
Today’s the day. Today you will go out and hike. You will bring your offspring and enjoy the outdoors (gosh darnit). The only mountain you know is Camel’s Hump. You have a vague memory...