I am a native New Englander who is lucky enough to not only call Vermont home, but the sweet Queen City as well. I live in the cutest little red cape that I fondly refer to as my "little old lady house" with my husband, greyhound, daughter, and stepson. Parenting is my thing and I hope that I am getting good at it. I stay active in both online and in person based parenting groups because just because I am an introvert doesn't mean I like to hang out. When I am not cleaning up various messes or trying to have yet another teachable moment I work with some amazing people from around the state as well as country addressing the factors needed to reduce and eliminate homelessness. I am a secret techie and coffee aficionado who has been known to create some pretty cute things out of yarn and a crochet hook.
Being a stepparent is hard and there is no easy way around that fact.
I was recently reminded of this by another parent. The parent assumed that I didn’t love my stepchild enough because I...