Girl, you are crazy! That is the reaction I get when a friend or family member learns about my new hobby. “You seriously go into freezing water... in the middle of winter in Vermont... for fun?” I hate being cold, so...
I was 30 years old the first time I heard about PMDD, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. I gave birth to my third child 10 months prior, and during my c-section, I had a tubal ligation done. No more birth control,...
I started lifting weight at age 48 because I wanted to tone up. The program I used happened to include barbell work; in particular, what powerlifters call the big three competition lifts: back squats, bench presses, and (shown here) deadlifts. I...
We all know that exercise is important for our health. However, exercise is hard to fit into our schedules. I'm more likely to work out in the mornings, but I also have a hard time waking up early. In the...
Please note: Brianna's experience and the medical care she received are not medical guidelines and are intended for informational and anecdotal purposes only. Please speak with your medical care provider if you are not well.  As a medically complex adult...
Today, I was mindlessly scrolling my feed during lunch break, liking all sorts of things, from puppy videos to monologs, when – wham! – I was smacked right in the face with something I work actively to avoid. It was...
In January 2020, we didn't anticipate that COVID-19 would be impacting us for years. Yet here we are, starting 2022 with several COVID vaccines, some potential treatments for COVID infection, and knowledge about how to avoid COVID infection. It's...
DISCLAIMER- Mario writes about her personal experience with breast cancer and is trying to articulate the struggles she has with medication side effects, survivorship decisions, and mortality. Many people tolerate hormone blockade without significant side effects. She absolutely believes...
By now we’ve all read about, watched, and reflected on Simone Biles’ decision to drop out of the women’s gymnastics team competition in Tokyo after performing on the first apparatus of the night, the vault.  When Biles revealed that her...
Most people think food allergies are only diagnosed in kids, but both children and adults can develop different food allergies. In fact, 10.4% of the US population is food allergic, which translates to upwards of 32 million people. One...
Paddleboards are a great way to enjoy the water with your entire family. Paddleboards are easy enough for anyone to use! You can use them on just about any body of water. Paddleboards are also a great way for the...
As I get older, “move more and feel better” has become my mantra. No matter what exercise I choose, each day that I move more, I feel better. With warmer weather on the horizon, my thoughts are turning to summer...
My hearing loss was at the forefront of my mind when I was suddenly thrust into this pandemic. How would I navigate the world without lip reading? How would I communicate through an additional sound barrier? Masks are necessary...
When I think of getting a shot, having blood drawn, or even going to the dentist, my heart begins to race. My palms sweat. I start to think of excuses not to go to the appointment and bargain with...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...