Brianna Yarnell
Is Your Child’s Snoring a Sign of Pediatric Sleep Apnea? 10 Tips About This...
When I brought home my newborn son, I thought he was as perfect and as healthy as he appeared. Unfortunately, this wasn’t exactly true. When my son was only a few months old, I...
Pull My Finger: How Potty Humor Can Help Your Family Bond
I've come to realize that not everyone was raised surrounded by the laughter that can accompany a good fart. Maybe the topic was off-limits, unspoken, or taboo. If that's the way you like it,...
The Gray Zone of Chronic Illness
When you think of chronic illness, do you think of hospitals, IVs, surgeries, long or frequent inpatient stays, or GoFundMes? Do you picture someone who “looks sick”?
While those things can certainly be a part...
One Mom’s Tips for Navigating Healthcare
The United States isn't known for having efficient, well-run, and timely healthcare. In fact, anyone who has needed healthcare knows quite the opposite can be true. Vermont, in particular, has extremely limited options for...
My Life with PMDD: What I Wish People Knew about this Deadly Disorder
I was 30 years old the first time I heard about PMDD, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
I gave birth to my third child 10 months prior, and during my c-section, I had a tubal ligation...
Paxlovid: The Miracle Medicine That Helped Me Beat Covid
Please note: Brianna's experience and the medical care she received are not medical guidelines and are intended for informational and anecdotal purposes only. Please speak with your medical care provider if you are not...
5 Ways ADHD Makes Me a “Bad” Mom and how I’ve Made Parenting with...
My personal struggles with ADHD came to the forefront when I became a stay-at-home mom before my 2nd child was born. There are five ways ADHD makes me a "bad" mom, but through reflection...
Supporting Your Suicidal Child: the Most Important Thing You Can Do
No parent wants to believe that their child will attempt suicide.
No parent wants to consider how they will respond in the event of a suicide attempt by their child, be it “successful” or “unsuccessful”....
Four Creative Mask Hacks for People with Hearing Loss
My hearing loss was at the forefront of my mind when I was suddenly thrust into this pandemic. How would I navigate the world without lip reading? How would I communicate through an additional...
My Husband’s Love Doesn’t Look like the Love I Envisioned
9 years ago, I was a single mom of a toddler, and I had just escaped an abusive relationship. I knew I wanted a better life for my son and me. I thought I...
My Son’s Pet Snake, and How I Learned to Love a Reptile
One dreary quarantine day, my 9-year-old son, Easton, randomly asked if he could get a pet snake.
I doubled over in a fit of laughter. He had to be joking, right? Wrong. He was serious....
Dear Dad: A Mom’s Father’s Day Letter to Her Single Dad
Dear Dad,
Happy Father's Day.
I know this past year has looked different for us. Our hearts are heavy with the burdens of life during a pandemic, and we are both navigating different seasons of change....
How I Became a Soccer (Playing) Mom
If you had asked me a few years ago if I would go someplace I’ve never been, to do an activity I’ve never done before, with a group of people I had never met,...
Vehicle Maintenance when Your Car Isn’t Being Used
As a mom of 3 kids, I always try to stay ahead of potential problems. With my educational and career background as an automotive technician, I am skilled in vehicle maintenance.
While we are all...