I have been waiting with bated breath for months and months for Sing 2 to be released. I am simply so excited about this movie! I tell people that my daughter wants to see it, or that we will see...
Recommendations provided here are not intended to replace conversations with your own medical care provider.  Sometimes, it doesn’t just take a village to raise a child. It takes a village to make one, too. That's where third party reproduction can...
Recommendations provided here are not intended to replace conversations with your own medical care provider. Some people dream of having children but aren’t quite in the right place to do so. Work, health concerns, and lifestyle choices can all...
Recommendations provided here are not intended to replace conversations with your own medical care provider.  Once you have tried simpler, less expensive options to be able to conceive, you may need to look into some more complex infertility treatment options...
Recommendations provided here are not intended to replace conversations with your own medical care provider.  Should you need help, there are so many options for fertility treatments. Once you’ve completed your fertility and general health workup, your provider will make...
Recommendations provided here are not intended to replace conversations with your own medical care provider. You want to get pregnant. You have all the necessary male and female reproductive parts needed to support a pregnancy. But you still aren't getting...
Recommendations provided here are not intended to replace conversations with your own medical care provider.  A nurse's perspective on any medical concern is always welcome. It is particularly appreciated during a common but fraught issue such as infertility. Join us...
It’s no secret I love my home state of Vermont and, as most of you know, I also love coffee. I have two little kids, so you really can’t underestimate my passion for coffee. Combining these two loves isn’t...
Explore Vermont Photography Challenge for Kids! It's time to get out of the house and have some fun! As restrictions loosen and summer arrives, let's have some fun! All while staying safe and active. Vermont Mom has partnered with Green...
As a mom of 3 kids, I always try to stay ahead of potential problems. With my educational and career background as an automotive technician, I am skilled in vehicle maintenance.  While we are all faced with many fears and...
The Burlington Vermont Moms Blog owners got the opportunity to take on Disney World- with City Mom Collective. Or were we taken over BY Disney? You be the judge!   Wow - our trip was a complete whirlwind! To say...
We all know that it takes a village to raise a child. But in some cases, it can take a village to even conceive a child. There are so many people who would love to start a family but...
A letter to youth football parents from your coaches… Thank you for supporting your local youth football programs. For those parents that brought excited, respectful, and team-oriented kids to their practice fields and games, you’re the best. Seriously. The. BEST....
BVTMB is so excited to co-host this hot event for our 3rd annual Ladies/Couples Night Out! This year’s theme of “Family Game Night” is all about fun and games. Come ready for a little friendly competition along with giveaways, prizes, food,...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...