I have always had a tumultuous relationship with makeup. In high school I wore a lot of flannel, doc martin boots, and converse shoes. My favorite outfit was a flannel shirt on top and long underwear underneath a pair...
I am a feminist. As a teenager, I lived my persona out loud with shaved head, pierced nose and political t-shirts. I was outspoken in school, ready to defend the feminist perspective any chance I got. The way I looked...
This week we here on the BVT Moms Blog delve into the topic of beauty.  What does that mean to us personally?  Who defines beauty?  What makes one beautiful?  So a challenge was issued…one (1) week WITHOUT makeup. “The most...
Hey y'all! It's been 8 days since I went dairy-free, and I must say...it's working. I'm so excited that changing my diet has helped with the spit-up and reflux of my two month old bundle o' joy! But let's...
In an effort to cut down on the amount that my 2 month old spits up after each nursing session, I'm making changes. I'm going dairy free, y'all! Why? Because cows milk is the #1 food item that passes...
While I'm on my mission of getting my pre-pregnant jeans over my hips, I've been finding healthier recipe options. I'm known to eat my fair share of ice cream (yeah, yeah, yeah - bad choice. I know...), and I've...
Welcome back! As you know, I'm on a mission! A mission to get back into my old jeans. Time to kiss those pregnancy pounds goodbye! The little peanut is now 8 weeks old and I officially have the green light on...
Our newest little bundle of joy will be 7 weeks tomorrow. First off, time flies. Secondly, I miss my old jeans! Let's face it. We all strive to get our pre-pregnant body back, or strive to be healthier, more fit,...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...