PART 3! Series: Labor? Easy. Getting into my old jeans? Not so much.



While I’m on my mission of getting my pre-pregnant jeans over my hips, I’ve been finding healthier recipe options. I’m known to eat my fair share of ice cream (yeah, yeah, yeah – bad choice. I know…), and I’ve been known to take recipes and transform them into a healthier/less calorie meal.

Take the lovely ham, egg and cheese sandwich, for instance. Whether your at your local bakery or a chain coffee shop, the little sandwich that you’re about to shove in your mouth is probably many more calories that you think it is. Take my advice and whip up this easy, delicious and healthy alternative!


Ham, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Sandwich


2 Slices Sara Lee Delightful Healthy Multi-Grain Bread
90 calories

1 tsp Promise Faux Butter
20 calories

3 Slices Deli Cuts Baked Ham
27 calories

2 Eggs (discard the yolk)
34 calories

1 Slice Fat Free American Cheese
25 calories

Toast bread. Spread faux butter over 1 slice. Cook egg white in small skillet. Once cooked thoroughly, place egg whites on slice of toasted and buttered bread. Top ham slices and cheese slice over egg. Finish with second slice of toasted bread.

Eat and enjoy!

Here are my weekly stats…
To date:
Total weight loss desired: 45 lbs
Weight loss since delivery (9 weeks ago): 24 lbs
Pounds to go: 21 lbs

Share where you are on your journey to your weight loss goal. Have you transformed recipes into healthier options? What’s your biggest challenge?

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Mauranda Daiziel
Mauranda is a twenty-something year old mother, wife, business owner, web and graphic designer, marketing gal, dancer, wanna-be Suzie Homemaker, self-taught "chef/baker" (terms used extremely lightly) who lives in Jericho with her husband, Shane (an Army veteran), and two daughters, Maddisyn (3 years old) and Makinley (newborn). She loves being a mom and wife, spending quality time with family and friends, DIY projects, crafts, writing, working, dancing, reality TV, all things pink, cooking and baking.



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