I wasn't ready for the news that my son is cutting himself. On purpose. I was shocked when his middle school counselor called me one Friday. One of his friends told her that my son was cutting himself. He confirmed...
In our latest episode of Whose Kid is That?!? Julie and Val were joined by Kailee Noland, a Pediatric Physical Therapist who is also known as The Movement Mama. They chat about early childhood development, walking milestones, and shoes for...
Children boast a wealth of knowledge before they can even clearly articulate their wisdom. Here are ten invaluable life lessons I learned from my toddlers. Sweat the small stuff! When you make a big deal of something it gets resolved...
When I receive the phone call from the snowboard instructor, I know the routine fielding this type of call. My son was having behavioral issues, crying, melting down, and not being able to follow directions, and I needed to...
My daughter went to sleepaway camp for the first time this summer. I had been to sleepaway camp myself as a kid, but the nineties were a long time ago! While some things have stayed the same, other things have...
I have Googled variations of “kid-friendly activities near me” countless times and always end up short-handed. The results are invariably the same: too expensive or too old for my preschool-age kid. I then make my way over to Pinterest...
I am really happy that both of my kids are active in sports this year. Sports are great for both physical and mental health. I think we all know that by now. My son is on his school's track team...
Today, we have fifteen minutes to kill before nap time. We spend it in the living room, my son on the couch, and me in our armchair, looking out the window at our neighborhood’s activities. We live at a...
A friend told me about a poem she recalls from her birth class. The gist of this poem is that your child takes his first steps away from you on the day he was born. My only child, a...
I am one thousand percent team #FreeBritney. I have to admit, however, that something about the movement doesn’t sit right with me. If you’re not up on the news, the queen of 2000s pop, Britney Spears, is currently in a...
I hope you were able to read my post about Early Autism Diagnosis yesterday. As April winds to a close, I still feel a deep sense of urgency in talking about the importance of autism acceptance well beyond the...
Author’s note-- I use identity-first language (e.g., autistic person) in this blog post as many autistic adults have said they prefer- in lieu of person first (e.g., a person with autism). If you want more info on this, go...
Many of you are in the thick of parenting. You are working, your kids are learning remotely, and you are juggling more than you could have imagined before this pandemic struck. Am I getting this right? Parenting, when you're...
The first week in January, my family rang in a new year. The second week, the baby learned to crawl. The third, our preschooler potty trained herself. Last weekend, the baby started walking. Then school went to remote learning...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...