We are so excited to announce our next Moms' Night out! Join us on Friday, December 5th for a Favorite Things Party! It will be held at New Moon Cafe in downtown Burlington from 7:00-9:00pm. Never been to a...
Chinese New Year is known as the biggest holiday of Chinese people. I compare it to American Christmas. But not many people know the mid-autumn festival also called the Full-Moon Festival, which I compare to Chinese Thanksgiving. The Chinese mid-autumn...
1. My kids are another year older, and I still don’t have a picture of them on Santa’s lap. When the holiday cards and Facebook holiday pictures start showing up in December, I suddenly remember, “Still haven’t got that shot...
December 23rd - Day 1 - I spend most of the day trying to convince my kids that Christmas is not tomorrow. They still don't believe me, but they will probably get the message when there are no presents under the...
Are you looking for some more holiday cheer in your life? It's dark and gloomy way too early these days so why don't you grab your hot cocoa, hop in the car, get the Christmas music on, and go...
Christmas is my favorite time of year. I deck the house out in decorations and watch every Christmas movie ever made. My Mom has always made Christmas a big deal so we have many traditions that we do not skip....
{Disclaimer: We have partnered together with our sponsors, Healthy Living Market and Cafe, to bring you this information about their holiday ordering options!}   We love telling our readers about ways they can shop local for the holidays. When Healthy Living...
I was driving home one day after picking up both of my boys from childcare.  As usual, my oldest was chatting away about different things from his day. "Mama!' he piped up. "Yes sweetie" I answered, eyes on the road and half...
Ahh the holidays…the food, the decorations, the family…the travel. Any of you ever travel with kiddos in tow? It’s Monday morning and most of you are either a.) back at work and sitting in front of your computer  “easing”...
While the weather is still winter-like in many ways, it is technically spring and I thought it would be a good time to discuss outdoor toys. I have recently made a few shopping trips (due to an influx of birthday party...
Today is the day, everyone!  You sent in your nominations, and we have narrowed it down to the top 8 finalists for our Father of the Year Contest!  And let us just say, this was NO easy task. All the...
I love the fourth of July. I love this holiday for what it represents and what it reminds us of; that we are truly blessed to live in a free country. It reminds me to thank those that have...
Some of my favorite gifts to both give and receive are experience-based gifts, but I have to admit that this is a relatively new mindset around gift-giving for me. I used to be the mom who spent hundreds of dollars...
So here we are... its December! No matter what you and your family celebrate it is the season of giving. We give to our friends, our kiddos, and our favorite charities (if you haven’t done the last one you...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...