You CAN exercise at home AND sweat!

  1. Do you find it difficult to incorporate exercise into your daily routine?
  2. Do you feel only motivated when in the gym or group fitness classes?
  3. Do you think it is impossible achieve a solid and sweaty exercise session at home?

Well, YOU CAN!

There was a time when I answered YES to all the above questions. During my childless life, I would spend hours each day in both group fitness and at the gym. Within the span of a year, I had a baby, became a SAHM, and my husband became a doctor. With loans to pay and far less personal time during my day, I was forced to radically change my exercise routine.

Today, my exercise routines are variable, hard, and fun. I incorporate both cardio and strength training into each session. Here are my two favorite methods you can try in your home.

The Tracy Anderson Method (TAM)

Photo Credit TracyAnderson.Com

Recently, I discovered the TAM. What I love about the TAM is that it combines dance cardio with strengthening and toning accessory muscle groups (rather than large muscle groups) AND the routines change on a 10-day cycle (when streaming into classes or using videos).

  • The variability prevents your body from plateauing.
  • The focus on accessory muscle groups produces long, lean, and tone muscles.
  • The dancing is SO fun and you are working your brain out too.

So far, I’ve been using free workouts on YouTube, but I already love it so much that I’m going to try Metamorphosis and Metamorphosis Continuity.

There are TAM programs for both pregnancy and postpartum.

Ballet Beautiful

Photo Credit BalletBeautiful.Com

Mary Helen Bowers is a professional ballerina and founder of Ballet Beautiful. The Ballet Beautiful workout mixes athleticism with the grace of classical ballet. BB also targets accessory muscle groups sculpt a dancer’s toned, lean physique. Her workouts are very challenging and very low impact.

  • The workouts can be short and highly effective (awesome when traveling).
  • Generally, no equipment is needed.
  • You feel like a ballerina while working out!

I loved BB for my pregnancy and postpartum. You can also find some of BB free on YouTube.

I would love to hear about your home exercise routines, tips, and favorite workouts. I am committing myself to 30 days of TAM, and I look forward to sharing the results next month!


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