Tag: humor

The 40th Annual Family Reunion: 10 tips for survival for your...

A few weeks ago we drove home from a Family Reunion weekend at Lake Honeoye in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. I...

50 Shades But Gray

I have always been a hair experimenter. It has been long and short, and nearly every color occurring in nature. I was not blessed with...

Musings of a Meltdown: How your child’s meltdown influenced me

On a blissfully sunny day in October, me and my two little ones were meeting another mom and kiddo trio at Shelburne Farms for...

Listen Up! Five Popular Parenting Podcasts

I love listening to podcasts. They combine companionable conversation with the convenience of on-demand digital programming. I depend on podcasts to get me through any and...

Moms Deserve To Shower (A Declaration)

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a mother to dissolve the demands of her family life... By closing the bathroom...

Back in the Saddle Again: Newborn Nights

Remember that sound? The sound that can strike fear into the hearts of all parents? That tiny cooing somewhere in the darkness at 2AM? Nope,...

What My “Defining Experience” Didn’t Teach Me

I look back at myself, age 35, married and pregnant, with a mixture of humor, compassion, and unabridged mocking. I was so arrogant, and...

Potty Training: The Final Frontier

Next month, my son starts one of the scariest journeys that his father and I have yet to trod with him, potty training. You would...

Math For Moms

I never thought that I wanted to be a  stay at home mom. In fact, I never even wanted to be a mom in...

Taking Care of Mama

Can I help? My 3 year old asks as she drags the mop (2 feet taller than her) across the floor, drowning the tile...

How To Seduce Me (In Five Easy Steps)

It's been a while, hasn't it? And, I miss the fun adult time that landed me in this sexless desert. Amirite, fellow moms? Do...

Two Kids, One Mom, and a Cold Cup of Coffee

The morning is early, very early. Earlier than I would like. I have a 3 year old that needs to be at preschool in...

“I Never” – Parenting Edition

Did you ever play that drinking game in college, "I Never"? No? Oh, me neither. But I've heard of it. :) Basically, someone states something...

10 Signs you are a Parent

1. Toddler speak is part of your daily vocabulary. Granola bars are "bar bars," bananas are "nanas," you get the idea. 2. You hear music on...