Tag: humor
10 ways having a baby has changed my life
Earlier this year my husband and I welcomed our son, Malcolm, into the world. Three months into motherhood I still feel like I haven't...
Save Our Sheets!
There are many sleepless nights in parenthood. The most obvious segment is the newborn phase up until that blissful day when they finally start...
Embracing Your Inner Supermom
Last week I had one of those days. You know. We all have them. The bad ones. The ones we don't like to acknowledge...
Pickles always make for a great story.
Today is the first day of school here in Vermont. It’s the first day that my son went off on a huge school bus...
I am Messy Mom
I am Messy Mom. (In spite of my deep cravings for all things simple and clutter-free.)
Welcome to my house! Please try not to trip...
When life gives you lemons…
Trade them in for limes and make yourself a margarita. That's right. Who needs lemonade when there are far superior beverages out there?
It's that...
Daddy Diaries:: The Newborn Edition
So... writing for a Mom’s Blog. Not exactly one of the things that landed on my ‘Bucket List’ of things to do before I...
Running after having a baby…
I’d like to think that you, gentle readers, follow along in reading all of my blog posts. If so, you’ll recall that in January...
Things I never thought I’d say…EVER!
Let's be honest here, we were way more civilized when we were single or married without kids. I remember the "art" of conversation. I...
Where I Got My Kids: Parenting my biracial children
I’ll never forget the first time I was asked “The Question”. We were stopped at a gas station filling up when this woman approached...
No Makeup? No Problem! Just Kidding.
When Tricia proposed the mini-series idea, A Week Without Makeup, I thought, "Sure! I'll do that! No problem!"
I'm a stay at home mom. Most...
Mommy Must Haves: A Good Perspective
Well this almost concludes your 2 week-long series on “Mommy Must Haves”. By now you’ve heard of all the things you might need when...
Mini Series: Did you put on any blush?!
I have always had a tumultuous relationship with makeup. In high school I wore a lot of flannel, doc martin boots, and converse shoes....
How Was Your Day Today?
1 day, 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds. That’s about how it feels you know what I mean? Ok, so maybe you don’t.
Here’s how...