Lately, everyone is throwing around a bunch of terms about inclusion, cultural appropriation, equity, and equality… I’ve noticed sometimes these words get used in the wrong context, or users don’t really understand the nuances of each different word or...
It’s National Teacher Appreciation Week. Have you hugged your kid’s teacher? Have you at least thanked them for their time, energy, attention, care, and, well…love that they give your kids each and every day?
We here at BVTMB wanted to...
This is the third and final part of a 3 part series about Foster Care. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and it's followed in May by National Foster Care Month, so what better time to dive into...
Oh heyyyyyy! Where my newbie homeschoolers at? Can I get a “Heck yea!” for Covid homeschooling?
Now I know I’m not homeschooling alone, based on a VTDigger article that stated that Vermont home study enrollments were at 1634 on July...
As the Holiday season fast approaches I find myself grasping at gift ideas.
Allow me to backtrack a bit first. Last year, and every year before, my kids made out at Christmas. Presents upon presents. Our tree was lit alone...
Tl;dr: It will be bad.
Project 2025 is a terrifying proposal for running the U.S. government, sponsored by ultra-conservative interest groups. I am a mom, an educator, and a queer person who is in fear that marginalized folks will lose...
{Disclaimer: We are working with The Bellwether School to bring you this post.}
Years before we had our daughter, my husband and I had many conversations about what type of parents we wanted to be. During our childless car rides to...
Did you notice that it was Women’s History Month?
Have you celebrated yet with your daughters and sons? No? Well delay no longer! I’m here to help you with some easy and fun ways to celebrate the contributions of...
{Disclaimer: We are working with the TAP program at Champlain College to bring you this post, however, all opinions are our own!}
When you have young children at home, your career can become the LAST thing on your mind.
My daughter started middle school in 2021, just after the global Covid-19 pandemic, as kids returned to full-time in-person schooling. She is smart, resilient, and mature and I anticipated she would attack middle school just like she took on...
My sweet son comes off the bus. I watch him walk down the steps smiling proudly at me and all I can think is, God he's perfect.
How was I chosen to have this perfect child, this ideal example of...
“How can I help my kids love art?” My mother asked my first-grade teacher.
My mom was not an expert in art herself but had an inkling from parenting books that it would be a good thing to expose...
As we head deeper into winter and extended time at home, it seems like a great time to share what I think are the top 10 best books to read aloud with my kids this winter.
You can get...
The month of May has rolled around yet again; it’s Better Speech and Hearing Month. Part of my role as a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) is to promote awareness of speech development delays and disorders treated by our field.
This May,...