Tailored Fitness Review & Giveaway – CLOSED



The problem with working out is ________ (you fill in the blank).  Let’s see if we can name a few together.

  1. Gyms: not a lot of choices, fees fees fees, not in convenient locations
  2. If there is a gym there may or may not be childcare
  3. If there’s not childcare then you may or may not be able to arrange it with your spouse


  1. The meat market aspect
  2. You’re not all that comfortable in front of strangers while sweating your butt off
  3. You just don’t know what to do or get bored too easily
  4. You’re just too busy

Whatever your reason Tailored Fitness is your answer!  Tailored Fitness is a workout program that strives to help you fit healthy habits into your busy life.


Tailored Fitness was created by a mom for moms.  The program is created specifically to meet the needs of mothers, from their physical needs to get back into shape post baby, to their scheduling needs to find a way to workout that fits into their busy life.  Their motto is that you must invest time in yourself so you can be your nest for your family.

And the best part of all…the programs are available on your computer!  Customized.Home.Workouts!

Tailored fitness tackles 3 main issues with most exercise programs.

  1. Problem #1Boredom – Repetition causes you to lose interest
  2. Problem #2Cookie-Cutter Programs – Programs are designed to benefit everyone and are not designed to benefit you as an individual and help you meet YOUR goals
  3. Problem #3No Trainer Support – In order to get the support and encouragement of a personal trainer you need to pay the extra bucks, big bucks.

So I gave it a try for 3 weeks to see if it was really all that owner Autumn Bonner said it would be.  I can be kind of a tough sell when it comes to workouts but… this is the real deal ladies.  I’m going to give it to you in bullet points here.

What I Love:

  • Variety of workout styles if you like to try new things (80’s, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, boot camp, TABATA) (pre & post natal)
  • Variety of videos for each section so you’re not doing the same one again and again (cardio, upper, lower, total, core, warm up & cool down)
  • You can either create your own workout by mashing together several individual videos or you can use an already tailored video
  • Videos are manageable in size, 5 – 15 min
  • You can create a workout for as long or as short as you want
  • Instructors are good at walking you through the movements and letting you know where you should be feeling it.
  • Instructors also have different level models for you to follow so you can make it easier or harder
  • They send out a schedule for you to follow, if you should want to, for an entire month (in case your creativity is sapped)
  • At beginning of the week they send you the “tailored workout of the week”
  • They even give you tips on how to better your diet, snack more sensibly, etc.
  • They have 2 membership levels:
  1. Tailored Membership ($19/mo):  Basic membership that allows you the convenience of creating your own workout videos based on your preference, schedule & fitness level.
  2. Tailored Personal Training ($99/mo):  All of the above plus one of their trainers will create a custom workout plan for you.  Trainer will even give you nutrition guidance & weekly accountability.

One more thing…I was sore, and I do mean sore.  I know I’m not in the best shape of my life but I didn’t think it was that bad.  These videos worked me hard, got my heart racing, got me sweating…panting.  The moves in these videos are very effective and targeted.  When they say “great glutes”, you better believe you’re gonna feel it in your buns the next day.  Exactly what I wanted!


Are you convinced yet?  Just check out their website and sign up for a free 30 day trial.  Oh, and did I mention they’re doing a giveaway.  Why don’t you visit their website AND enter the giveaway.  Tailored Fitness is giving away a 6 Month Tailored Membership ($114 value) and a 3 Month Trainer Membership ($297 value).  Jump to it…enter right now!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Burlington VT Moms Blog received compensation for this post, but the opinions expressed are entirely our own.


  1. Thank you Shannon for the thoughtful review! I am so excited to share about this business with more ladies who may need it!

  2. I love working out at home, but I get bored and frustrated with limited videos/resources. This would give me guidance, assignments, and variety!

  3. TOTALLY agree! I have personally met Autumn and she is amazing! I have also tried some of her workouts and they are really great!!


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