I hear it all the time, “I look terrible in photos!” and I say it all the time, “Looking great in a photo is 90% about how you are posing, the rest is lighting, wardrobe, and photographer technique.” I’m here today to share my Top 3 Posing Tips that will help you feel more confident in any photo this Summer. 🙂 Bring on the family vacation and BBQ memories! 🙂
Number 1: Don’t tuck your chin. To avoid the dreaded “double chin” consciously extend your chin out and upwards. Don’t over exaggerate it or you’ll look uncomfortable, but just do it lightly and it will help to smooth out the skin under your chin.
Number 2: Don’t stand straight on to the camera. Want to lose 10 pounds instantly? Turn your body at a slight angle to the camera. If you stand straight on to the camera with your arms at your sides, you are showing the widest part of your body to the camera. By turning one should away from the camera and giving a little “sass” by putting your hands on your hips and adjusting your weight to one hip or the other, you will instantly look better in photos.
Number 3: Don’t slouch. If you are sitting on a sofa or chair, do not slouch into the seat. It can make you look out of proportion and larger. Instead, scoot to the edge of the seat and once again angle your body slightly to the camera so that you are not facing head on. You can also adjust your posture on the couch or chair by angling yourself slightly to the camera from the seated position and using your arms to make your posture less “slouchy”. Good posture also applies to if you are standing up. Don’t hunch your shoulders. Stand tall and straight with your shoulders back.
Number 4: BONUS TIPS! Do smile. Do laugh. Do have fun. Grab your kids into a bear hug instead of standing stick straight with them. Give your honey a kiss on the cheek just as the photo is taken, his reaction will be priceless and the photo will be too! Maybe give your teenage son a kiss on the cheek!! An even more priceless reaction! In general, if you are having fun, you will look a lot more relaxed and less “terrible” in a photo.
You automatically look uncomfortable in a photo if you are feeling uncomfortable. I hope with these tips you will be able to smile bigger, laugh louder and capture some fun family memories this Summer! Be well & Smile Often, Kathleen of North Photography
A special thank you to my beautiful sister, Rachel, for posing! Not only is she one of my favorite people in this whole wide world, but she is one of my favorite models too. 😉
Great tips! You should have told us these before our last group shot! 🙂