Tag: COVID-19
I’m a Disorganized Mess Now, Thanks to the Covid-19 Pandemic!
Disorganized was simply not in my vocabulary. I never imagined I could ever be a disorganized mess.
I’m not saying I didn’t have piles, but...
How COVID-19 Helped Me Get Along Better with My Quaranteens
I've had a few realizations that helped me get along better with my teens during COVID-19.
When the world came to a pause in March,...
Let’s Get Real: I am Not Cut Out to Be a...
As I write this, we have been in a state of emergency for 185 days. I know that because it started the day my...
Did You Hear the One About… I’m Overwhelmed by My Covid...
There’s an old Yiddish folk tale about a man who is feeling overwhelmed by his home life. As a single mom, I feel overwhelmed...
Lessons from Coronavirus – Changing My Family’s Schedule
This coronavirus pandemic is so stressful and terrible.
Thanks to coronavirus, I have been on the verge of tears on an almost daily basis. The...
Quarantine, Quarantine, What Does it Mean, What Does it (Not) Mean?
“The path trodden by wayfarers and pilgrims followed the railway and then turned into the fields. Here Lara stopped, closed her eyes and took...
Fall School Reopening: What Does Readiness Look Like?
Disclaimer: The opinions stated in this post on fall school reopening are my own, and only my own. I am a working mother in...
Adopting a Dog During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Up until now, I’ve never owned a dog.
When we got married, my husband and I talked about adopting a dog, but it was never...
COVID-19 Risk Reduction: Livable Rules to Decrease Transmission
This is hard. Really hard. As a physician, I take COVID-19 very seriously, and have found myself with friends and family being in the...
An American Mom Experiences Reopening Society in Norway
Over the past few weeks, our family has experienced a reopening society in Oslo, Norway.
I’ve written before about what it was like to choose...
Taking a COVID Vacation Helped Me Find Perspective
I really needed a COVID vacation. So I took one.
When the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order began in Vermont, I had incredible anxiety. COVID-19...
How to Grow a Healing Garden to Nourish Body and Soul
Early spring is my favorite time of year for so many reasons. Just when the winter blues have tried to suffocate me, I notice...
Why I Love Those in Nursing: A Quitters Perspective
Before I started college, I never really thought much about the profession of nursing. But once I hit twenty one that all changed. I...
Painting My Kids’ Rooms – A Project for When You’re Stuck...
I finally decided to go ahead and start painting my kids' rooms!
I'm not really big on projects, so the paint on the walls of...