Tag: COVID-19
How an Emergency Physician Learned to Embrace Fear
As a 5-year-old child, I had a terrible experience lasting several hours, during which I remember thinking that I should just let the people...
What I Wish I Knew About Living with Gestational Diabetes
At the beginning of my third trimester, I failed the glucose tolerance test. Every pregnant person takes it and the grade is either pass...
Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids Answered by Dr. Costello
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, more and more information has been shared about how to keep you and your family safe. Information is coming...
You Have to Rescue Yourself. There Is No One Else
Oh, last summer was rough, really rough. It was our second summer in Vermont. We moved here from Alabama during the height of the...
Paxlovid: The Miracle Medicine That Helped Me Beat Covid
Please note: Brianna's experience and the medical care she received are not medical guidelines and are intended for informational and anecdotal purposes only. Please...
COVID Info Families Need: Masks, Tests, and Where to Get Answers
In January 2020, we didn't anticipate that COVID-19 would be impacting us for years. Yet here we are, starting 2022 with several COVID vaccines,...
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, which Vaccine Is Best of All?...
Please note: Vermont Mom Contributing Writer, Mario Trabulsy, MD is a board-certified emergency physician with over 27 years of experience. She is also a...
When Should I Throw Away My Mask? Plus Great Mask Tips...
Some clothing items are optional but for now, in the age of COVID, a mask is a must! So, now that I am used...
Afraid of the COVID-19 Vaccine? Let a Doctor Answer Your Questions!
Please note: Vermont Mom Contributing Writer, Mario Trabulsy, MD is a board-certified emergency physician with over 27 years of experience. She is also a...
I Don’t Care if My Leggings Offend You: In Defense of...
Not long ago, a fellow Vermont Mom writer shared a piece of writing about the importance of “looking your best” even now, during Covid....
My Favorite Last-Minute Vermont Gifts for Grown-Ups of all Ages
This holiday season is proving to be as strange as the rest of 2020, but one thing is still true: I’ll always need last-minute...
Finding New Thanksgiving Traditions in COVID Times
Thanksgiving traditions are on the cutting board this month as I redefine my expectations for the holiday, 2020-style. Just like everything else this year,...
COVID Morbidity and Mortality: Following Death VS. Sickness
“Why are we closing things down, when the mortality rate is only 1%? “ “Lots of people die from the flu- what's the big...
Pandemic Confessions from the VT Moms You Know and Love
I think we can agree that our new coronavirus-inspired lifestyle has been less than fun and has likely been filled with many ups and...