We Love Our Sister Sites!


BurlingtonVT Moms Blog is part of a larger network called the City Moms Blog Network.  We have sister sites all over the country with teams of Moms doing exactly what we’re doing right here in Burlington.  Today, and now once a month, I’m going to tell you about my 5 favorite posts from 5 of our Sister Sites.  We love our Sister Sites and we wanted to spread a little of that love to all of you here in Burlington.


First up is Quad City Moms Blog in Iowa.  The post I’ve selected is Summer Heat Popsicle Treats.  Author Marie gives us 3 delicious popsicle recipes that kids will have fun making as well as eating.  And with all of this humidity we’ve been experiencing a cool treat is exactly the kind of treat we need.  Her recipes are healthy and her presentation is fun!  A definite “must do”, perfect for a morning activity to be enjoyed after afternoon naps.

DanielTigerSecond, Dallas Moms Blog, in, you guessed it, Dallas, Texas.  Heather calls herself a Tiger Mom.   No not the one we’re all familiar with, the one that forbids her children from going to sleepovers and participating in gym class.  No she confesses to being a Daniel Tiger Mom in “Confessions of a Tiger Mom:  A Daniel Tiger Mom”.  Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood can be found on any PBS station, locally here at VPT or channel 6.  In the show Daniel teaches kids principals and morals like how to share, what it’s like to potty train, how to deal with separation anxiety.  It’s a modern day take on an old favorite from our generation, Mister Rogers.  Check out the post and then check out Daniel Tiger.



BeachVacationThird, Peach State Moms Blog, from the Atlanta area of GeorgiaI chose Mariana’s post “Beach Vacation With a Toddler” simply because it is the season for beach vacations.  Mariana has some really good tips from getting to the destination, to the hotel stay and time at the beach.  We will be doing a trip to Maine later in July with our 5 and 1 year olds.  So this is particularly applicable to me at this time.  A must read for those of you who have some travel planned this summer.




July4thShirtsOur fourth story comes from Austin Moms Blog, yep, another Texas sister!  Just in time for 4th of July, Allison gives us a great tutorial on how to create your own 4th of July T-shirts.  If you want to attend your local July 4th festivities all donning the same t-shirt I do believe there’s enough time left.  Get your craft on ladies!



And our final story today comes from our West Valley Moms Blog outside of Phoenix, AZ.  In “Boy Parts”, Jessie gets honest about how she felt when she discovered that baby #2 was a boy.  I chose this story because it resonated so very deeply with me.  When I discovered that my first born was going to have some boy parts I cried.  I thought I would never know what to do with a boy and shared Jessie’s thought that a boy would never want to cuddle with me.  I was so wrong and I now have 2 boys who love cuddling with me immensely.  Boy parts rock and so does this story!


I hope you enjoyed reading about and learning a little from our lovely Sisters.  It’s so great to know that we’re connected to something so wonderful.


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