Tag: Spring
Spring in Vermont: Top 10 Signs It Has (Finally) Arrived
After suffering through six long months of winter, Vermonters celebrate the arrival of spring with abandon. Kids of all ages shed long pants, shirts,...
Memories Made Not Bought, Bribed, or Planned: Puddles are Enough
Daycare was closed the week of April break so my son’s daycare provider could enjoy time with her own family. It was a win...
Making a Hygge Home with Kids During Spring and Summer
If you’ve been on Pinterest or Instagram recently, you might have encountered a fun concept: hygge. Maybe it’s my Scandinavian roots (my Dad was...
5 Spring Cleaning Tips to Help You Shake the Winter Blues
I know the vernacular is “spring cleaning,” but I prefer to do a top to bottom clean and purge of our house every few...
5 Reasons Why Spring Saves My Sanity and Recharges Me
Its spring! We made it through the long, harsh New England winter.
Today, I threw open the windows, opened the back door and released...
Outdoor Toys: the New, the Nostalgic and the Nifty
While the weather is still winter-like in many ways, it is technically spring and I thought it would be a good time to discuss outdoor...
Eating Locally in the Spring
I eat mostly local food.
Overall, this is born from the fact that I sell at a farmers market and have goodies left over at...
Spring Time Nature Activities with Your Kids
March and April are months of reawakening of our natural world.
I can almost see the springing back to life reflected in my children's eyes....
Why We’re a Little League® Family
I'm sitting on the edge of the curb, iPhone camera in one hand, coffee cup in the other. It's 9:30 on a beautiful warm morning, the...
The Seven Joys of Mud Season
1} Children Love Mud
Water + Dirt = Magic! Prepare for the annual Mud Pie Buffet - this year they are serving a nice gravel...
Spring Fun Photo Contest!
We LOVE that spring is finally here! Brighter colors, warmer weather, and things beginning to bloom all around us! While we are all celebrating...
But what do April snow showers bring?
Winter broke like a fever and suddenly it's spring, birds chirp merrily in the trees, darting down to the spongy moss covered earth that's...
Finding Joy in the Little Things
As I journey my way through the third trimester of this pregnancy and find myself longing for a spring that is not quite here...
Booking Across the USA: Vermont Books and Fun Activities
We are excited to be participating in the Booking Across the USA project as Vermont's representative blog! In an effort to showcase regional books, blogs...